Wednesday, March 23, 2011

How to Heal by Harry Edwards

How to Heal by Harry Edwards

Healing is a state of attunement of the helper's spirit mind with the spirit doctors, the patient and the healing effort being made The act of holding forth the hands is symbolic of the desire, but has no practical use.

Healing takes place because a spirit remedial force is directed from the spirit doctors to the patient. This force is not a physical force but a spirit force. Therefore the physical hands are not needed as a conveyor of the force. The actual "healing time" may be a fraction of a second, and the best service contact healing can give is to gently see, by movement of limbs, etc.. the extent to which the ill condition has yielded. Healing is yielding. One cannot make a poker spine become flexible by pushing it. The cause of the spastic condition must first be removed, then it will yield and become flexible. Thus the main advantage in contact healing is to show the patient the extent of the yielding. If the trouble is not eased as much as the patient or healer would wish, it is useless for the healer to try and carry on for himself. The maximum spirit effort is always given and is continuously given so that the further yielding will come as the healing pursues its course. If immediate success is not seen, don't blame the patient or the spirit doctor and, above all, don't lose faith in your efforts as not being a good healer - for you do not heal. You are only the instrument. What the healer needs to become a better instrument is to develop the art of attunement with his spirit doctors, and this should be sought by constant desire in the developing circle and in the act of healing. Remember "attunement" comes with practice and experience, and the more experience a healer can get the surer will the attunement be, whilst also giving his spirit doctors experience in using him. Study all you do in the light of the fundamental postulate, the healing comes from spirit sources: not from the mind or body of the healer. With the greater attention our healers are receiving from the Press. the investigating Commissions, etc., it is time that our healing was freed from traditional extravagances, and conducted with simplicity and understanding, dignity and common sense.

- With acknowledgement to The Spiritual Healer
