Monday, June 13, 2011

The inventor of television and Spiritualism

I am convinced that discoveries of far-reaching
importance remain waiting along these shadowy and discredited paths
John Logie Baird
John Logie Baird on Spiritualism
The Fox Sisters
The world's most eminent scientists are not usually associated with the dim-lit surroundings of a clairvoyant's parlour.
But some of science's biggest names have not only dabbled in, but been entirely convinced by the world of the seance.

Guglielmo Marconi, Alexander Graham Bell and John Logie Baird are familiar to most for the household indispensables they invented. But the attraction to spiritualism they all shared is definitely not part of the GCSE science syllabus.
All three men, and many other Victorian scientific pioneers, became involved with the religion, which depended on strange forces being demonstrated through bizarre phenomena.
Read the full story here
