Monday, October 10, 2011

Death and Clairvoyancy,Spiritualism and Belief

Spiritualism and Belief

Sometimes the person having the reading has had a bereavement, which is why she is there, and I have not noticed. It took me a long time to understand what was going. I had not noticed anyone over their left shoulder. It turned out that the problem was to do with belief, or rather the lack of belief. Understanding the nature and role of belief is the key to being a spiritualist, for we all have the ability. The fact that you are reading this suggests that you have the ability, even if you do not know how to be a spiritualist. Read on, and you will find how to be a spiritualist yourself.

Death and Clairvoyancy

When a person is recently bereaved (recent can mean a few days, weeks, months, or sometimes years), and they come for a reading, they expect the reader to see the death, and they want the reader to say something about the deceased person. You know the secret – the spirits on the left hand shoulder.
Sometimes these spirits are not present, and consequently I do not realise anything is amiss. This does not impress the client quite frankly, and so I resolved to find out what the problem is – is it me? Or is it something to do with the client?

continued here......
