Thursday, February 16, 2012

Attacks on Sally Morgan backfire

 The Australian lawyer who investigates the paranormal, Victor J Zammit writes about psychic Sally Morgan who is suing a British newspaper for libel: 

"Some time ago - as the regular subscribers will know - I tried to defend Spiritualist Sally Morgan, the highly entertaining and energetic British mental medium, against unfair and vicious attacks in the mainstream press in the UK. Like many mental mediums Sally has a successful track record for doing brilliant work in providing people with personal experience of survival after death. I challenged the critics and others to look at the evidence, 'see for yourself', 'investigate yourself'.What happened? At the time Sally Morgan was in crisis. She had some 30 bookings planned for the U.K. After the unfair attacks - and after people investigated Sally 's mediumship- the bookings in different theatres soared to some 80 all over the UK between now and November this year! Some of the bookings are already SOLD OUT! Well done Sally! See -for dates"

Read much more at Victor's website/

