Andrew Jackson Davis (1826 -1910)
Founder of the Lyceum Movement
The young Andrew Jackson Davis was a trance medium who enabled his Spirit helpers to dictate books that were then transcribed and printed. There are copies of most of these in the extensive library of the Lyceum Union. He was able to ‘Journey’ when in the trance state and visit the spiritual planes. He compared the way children were educated in the Summerland (spirit-world) to the way they were educated on Earth and it was his belief that the methods used by Spirit were superior to those here. Andrew Jackson Davis spoke of this in a lecture at Dodsworth Hall on January 25th 1863; the Lyceum was inaugurated at that meeting. The first British Lyceum was opened in Nottingham, in June 1866 by Mr J Hitchcock.
# The Spiritualists Lyceum Union of Britain promotes the study and practice of Spiritualism as a Science, a Philosophy and a Religion and aims to establish and encouraged Lyceums throughout the United Kingdom for this purpose. Each Lyceum provides education and training in the principles of the religion and religious philosophy of Spiritualism and in the principles of good citizenship.
## several members of the Lyceum have visited the Enmore Spiritualist Church