By Rachel Saxon
Spirituality. the word conjures up visions of meditating hippies chanting barefoot in a circle in unison or perhaps the soft-spoken friar. Modern day spirituality takes the form for those that do not have knowledge of it often as that of psychic readings, when sitting on client side and talking to a spiritualist for advice and direction in life.
So exactly what is spirituality? And how can we define spirituality? Being aware of spirit is spirituality. Looking for direction from spirit by looking within ones heart is spirituality. Looking externally for guidance by a book or minister isn’t. You can best define it by those who know they are spirit. Being psychic is simply being aware of your spirit and intuition and the vibration that exists all around us, many lead a life of materialism whilst on the mortal plain and have no idea of what spirituality is or how to achieve it.
Spirituality is the idea that we can look to be guided from within our being by listening to our spirit, which is in tune with and part of the whole of spirit. Those who are spiritual have no need for another person to lead them, for their guide is the compass within them that never allows them to go off course., and it is this magic which if tapped into can make such a positive difference to ones life.
Spirituality is, in the most basic sense, matters pertaining to the spirit and is based on the idea that there exists something, be it a state of mind, a being, or a place, that is outside the experience of our five limited senses. Spirituality is the personal relationship of the individual to this state of mind, being or place and often emphasizes the notion of a path.
All of us are spirits – energies connected with one another and comprising the whole spirit. Everything that is, exists within that entire energy, some may call it God, but you are part of it, and your connection with the divine source can never be severed. Psychic Mediums are highly aware of this & can connect to other spirits, either deceased or those that have never walked the earth and exist those on the mortal plain.
Spirituality is never religion, for it never asks us to look outside ourselves for answers. The spirit is ever close, never far and always connected to us for it is us.
We are divine beings having physical experiences, and not just physical beings living a temporary life. Those that choose to believe they are imperfect and lacking are living life and looking outward, spirituality looks inward and need nothing but to know the truth of who we are. This path that few understand brings inner peace. Many are drawn to those who practice as psychic readers as they are closer to spirituality than the querent.
There are many different types of spiritualist, some visit spiritualist churches, some sit in circles and others hone and develop their intuitive skills to use within the psychic readings arena.
Modern day spirituality can be seen in action via the very vast and very credible metaphysical industry, where one can obtain spiritual guidance through channels simply known as psychic or psychic medium phone readings, what unfolds during a reading can change ones life forever.
Rachel Saxon works in the psychic and metaphysical industry recommended website for uk psychics - psychic reading