Monday, May 17, 2010
Spiritualism and the ouija board-a warning
We thank the excellent website for this article on the dangers of using the ouija board. It's a popular belief by those who are not experienced in Spiritualism that ouija boards are used to communicate with spirit. Spiritualists do not endorse them or promote them. Even people who have no connection to Spiritualism should avoid ouija boards at all costs.
Recently a 'digital' version of a board was released and it was sad to read a purported spiritualist discussion board endorsing it.
The Dangers of the Ouija Board
Do they work? Absolutely. How? Whether using a planchette or a glass, the participants are focusing their energies onto a very small space. They are giving power to these tools. It is this power and the open invitation for anyone to communicate that opens doorways. The difficulty is once these doorways are opened you cannot always close them and the experience can last long after the game has ended. A planchette or glass is like a shining beacon; unfortunately the communicators they usually attract are the occupants of the astral world. This is plane where entities reside who have departed from this world, but not transcended to the other world. It is also where entities or beasts not of this world live. If you are lucky a loved one or guide will come through, but most people are unlucky. It is also nearly impossible to tell the difference between someone of the light and someone pretending to be. Why? Because the game removes the safety features associated with spiritual communication. When a Medium/Clairvoyant communicates they do so through their own energy field, so they can feel and sense the link. With or without protection they will know immediately if the link is of the light or merely feigning to be. But if they were using a glass or a planchette they lose the closeness of the connection and their ability to be able sense the energy of the communicator.
Participants of the game have given away their right to be protected from the dwellers of the lower planes. They have invited them. Once they are here they have no intentions of going back. So long after the fun has gone they can live on, in the space where the activity took place. With the added advantage of being invisible they can wreak havoc in peoples’ lives, by creating fear, anger and dis-harmony. For those foolhardy enough to try out this type of communication the affects can be disastrous. If you are still not convinced I suggest you read my own book ‘Spheres of an Unseen World’ where I tell story after story of people whose lives have been affected by disincarnate entities. From mild disturbances around the house, knocking, banging, through to physical assaults on people. Not all but many of these events start with the use of these boards. Even after the culprits have long moved on, unable to cope with the unearthly disturbances the chaos lives on.
If you have used a board and believe it has caused a problem in your home seek out a local spiritualist church, they will offer you advice and assistance. For ‘would be communicators’, remember there are no short cuts to developing your ability to communicate with the other side. If you are interested again visit your local spiritualist church or spiritual/psychic centres. Most will offer development courses, where you can learn to communicate properly and safely, without the dangers of attracting unsavoury entities into your home.
ouiji boards,