Officiant of The Spiritualists' National Union
Teacher of The Spiritualists' National Union
SNU Certificates of Recognition for:
Demonstrating (Evidential Mediumship)
Public Speaking
Recognised as one of the UK’s finest classical spiritual mediums, Simon discovered his psychic and mediumistic abilities as a child. This knowledge marked the beginning of his interest in all aspects of the intuitive arts.
While in his teens, Simon began his mediumistic development at his local Spiritualist centre. Shortly afterwards, he was taken under the tutelage of Gordon Higginson, President of the Spiritualists' National Union, Principal of the Arthur Findlay College and one of the greatest mediums of the 20th century. Simon is one of only a few mediums whose development was guided by Gordon. During these years, Simon worked publicly alongside Gordon, as well as Paul Jacobs, who was also in receipt of Gordon’s instruction.
Concurrent with his mediumistic development, Simon completed a degree in Applied Psychology. Gordon encouraged Simon to introduce the subject of applied psychology at the world famous Arthur Findlay College and to include it in the general education of mediums.
Simon became the youngest tutor at the Arthur Findlay College. Later, he became a course organiser as well. During this time, he worked closely with Mavis Pittilla, a world renowned medium who also trained with Gordon.
To read more about the Arthur Findlay College at Stanstead Hall go to their website here.