From the producer Attila Kaldy :
OK, so here it is: I’m a freelance producer and research coordinator of a paranormal investigative organisation in Sydney.
You can say that I have been to some really freaky places over the years. Besides chasing the unexplained, my passion is to convey the weird side of this great continent to a large audience. I guess this was the main motivation for my interest in production.
I have taken a lot of journeys, experienced many adventures while exploring the unexplained (hauntings, UFOs, … you know the things folks don’t really like to talk about).
Kanova Productions basically says, ‘Hey, it’s OK to come out and share your experiences with others’. And the people who do are normal everyday folk looking for validation. That’s all!
So what if certain individuals are judgemental? Think of it this way: they are the ones lacking the valuable experience that you had.
Back to the story. In 2002 I produced a low budget UFO doco called The Oz Unknowns. I guess we all have to start somewhere. This was two years after establishing an investigative group in southwest Sydney. The Oz Unknowns featured three stories about Aussies experiencing bizarre aerial phenomena (UFOs).
When branching out into afterlife research, I released PI – Paranormal Investigators. Again, it was limited in the way we expect to see such a production. The material used was raw footage, taken from investigations, so it gave it that rustic, spooky feel.
When PI was aired in Sydney and Melbourne I was surprised how popular the series was.
After producing some trial documentaries, I decided to take an innovative approach to ghost hunting and created, produced Paranormal Investigators – The Challenge in 2008. A trainee was introduced, someone with no experience, chasing the paranormal through dark corridors and creepy forests.