If anyone has had the rare privilege (as this writer has twice) to sit in a circle with a physical medium and witnessed materialisations, they will know that it is probably the most fascinating and exciting experience. It is an experience that many Spiritualists aspire to.
Recently a controversy has arisen over the well known medium David Thompson.
Enmore reserves an open mind not knowing or having met with Thompson but knowing some of the personalities involved who have sat with him. One Spiritualist who we respect highly wasn't impressed at a recent sitting in the UK.
Another-who we greatly respect was most enthusiastic about David.
The new Spiritualist publication
Spirit of SN carries an interview with David which can be read
It is up to each individual to decide what they wish to believe but Thompson gives a good account of himself in the interview.
One comment he made in his interview that was a source of great amusement amongst a group of us just a few nights ago was this :
"When my physical mediumship started, William warned there would be times when people would ridicule me and that most of the ridicule would come from within the Spiritualist movement."
Never were truer words said !.
Hopefully one day, we at Enmore may have the privilege of sitting with David Thompson in order to make up our own minds.
In the meantime-keep an open mind !