Maureen wrote books of poetry and books with meditations for children (more on that later) which were well received.
A friend of Maureen's sent a copy of her book to HRH Princess Diana and Maureen was delighted and surprised to eventually receive a personal letter from Princess Diana thanking her and saying she had used her meditations and read poetry to the then young Princes Harry & William to great effect!
Now a new book with poetry has been published by David Cridland,
The Three Temples Inevitably and it's a beautiful book that is highly recommended. In his words:
"This books aim is to allow one to experience deep contentment, and learn to maintain or regain it at will, to the point of needing less. It can be felt with or without an attunement which can be received either through spirit or a qualified Rei-Ki master. The nine pointed star is drawn in the aura about a foot above the head and when there can sometimes be felt or even seen by people who can see aura’s well."
By David Cridland
You can read more on David's book at his website : http://www.azurewarriors.com.au/