Thursday, November 11, 2010

Distinguished researchers found evidence for survival

compiled and edited by Michael E. Tymn

It wasn’t long after the birth of modern Spiritualism in 1848 that scientists and scholars began investigating the phenomena. Many of them started out with the intent of showing that all mediums were charlatans, but one by one they came to believe in the reality of mediumship and related psychic phenomena. A few of them sat on the fence when it came to professing a belief in the spirit world, but others were more courageous.

Today, researchers such as Dr. Gary Schwartz of the University of Arizona and Dr. David Fontana, a psychology professor in England, are continuing to verify the existence of genuine mediums, and, concomitantly, of a spirit world, but considering the conclusions of the famous researchers of yesteryear, we should be able to invoke the legal doctrine of Res Judicata – it has already been decided. Consider the following testimony.

Judge John W. Edmonds (1816-1874) – After serving in both houses of the New York legislature, including president of the Senate, Edmonds was elevated to the New York State Supreme Court and became its Chief Justice. He began his investigation of mediums in 1851, assuming that he would expose them as frauds.

– But all this, and much, very much more of a cognate nature went to show me that there was a high order of intelligence involved in this new phenomenon – an intelligence outside of, and beyond, mere mortal agency; for there was no other hypothesis which I could devise or hear of that could at all explain that, whose reality is established by the testimony of tens of thousands, and can easily be ascertained by any one who take the trouble to inquire…

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