Monday, March 29, 2010
How can a psychic or medium help people?
James Van Praagh:
James Van Praagh is one of the world's most famous mediums and the producer of the popular TV series 'Medium'.
James Van Praagh,
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Methods Of Communion
This you do know, that all mundane laws seem to be set aside; that the law of gravitation attracting bodies toward the earth; that the law by which the pressure of the atmosphere affects organic substance; that the cohesive properties of matter, and every individual property which matter is supposed to possess, pass away under the presence of this superior force. An intervening power sweeps in, clear, distinct, individualized, swaying the minds and senses of man by its wonderful presence, and peforming upon bodies and minds of human beings the miracle of revelation.
What I mean by revelation is knowledge derived from a priori sources; revelation that is born of the spirit, that dots not require the usual attributes and processes of intellectual study to arrive at it. And nothing more distinctly proves revelation and the supernatural character of all such manifestations than Modern Spiritualism.
Here let me analyze these words. Spiritualists are averse, as a rule, to the use of the word supernatural. For my own part, having knowledge of the nature of words, I choose that word to express everything that comes under the category of the manifestations of ancient or modern spiritualism. It is supernatural; it neither comes in with the tides nor goes out with them; it does not come in Spring, nor in Summer, nor Winter especially; it is not affected by the change of season or the changes of earthly atmosphere. It comes in heat and in cold, when it is rainy or when it is dry, in low altitudes or in high altitudes; it comes in consonance with the super-force of the universe, which is the power of will.
And if mediums are affected by surrounding atmosphere, by heat and cold, by joy and sorrow which intervenes, then it takes them out of their own condition, and forms for itself an atmosphere to produce its own manifestations. This is Spiritualism - is supernatural.
The natural laws of the universe are subject to routine and certainly unintelligent in the way of direct, conscious methods, but governed by certain fixed laws; and Spiritualism is as separate from natural law as the engineer is from his engine. This is what I mean.
There are many who object to the word miracle. For my own part I wish to restore that word to its legitimate use; to the vocabulary of Modern Spiritualism. Anything is a miracle which is the working of a wonder independently of the usual laws of nature. Every process of the mind, human affection, human hatred, human will, is a miracle. That which is the result of an organic process, the beating of the heart, the circulation of the blood, the endosmose and exos-mose action of the fluids of the body - these are natural.
But the miraculous part is, that thought intervenes, and every effect of mind upon matter is a miracle.
The same is true with that which comes in consonance with spiritual laws and processes of Materia Medica. The methods of physical surgery may or may not be in accordance with natural laws. They are certainly in accordance with very physical and, sometimes, very bungling laws. But thai particular super-science which, by the power of will, sets at naught the usual surgical methods; straightens the deformed limb, gives sight to the eye, hearing to the ear,as countless numbers of cases in the past attest, and as there are millions of living witnesses to testify to-day - that is the working of a miracle; that is the intervention of the power of the spirit, restoring and adjusting the physical form instead of theappli-caation of any external remedies. It is not by any physical process that this is wrought, but by a process that begins inversely with the physical, and restores the body as Love dm-.
Have you ever witnessed or seen recorded in medical books, how an invalid, confined to her couch for years, by the return of an absent friend, a great tide of joy flooding through all the being has restored that which medical skill in vain has tried to restore? That was a spiritual wonder; that was a miracle - -a miracle of joy.
Have you ever heard or known or experienced a case of love, where after long doubting or long waiting the loved object was restored, and instantly the miracle of health is wrought upon the invalid or the sufferer? That is a miracle.
By the same process, when death is robbed of its terror, and human life of its depression; when your loved ones bridge over the space between you and the world of spirits, and your physical maladies sink into insignificance before the light of the soul, healing by the laying on of hands or by the power of will from the spirit world will no longer be rare, but of constant occurrence. Miracles will be wrought daily, and an inverse process of life will be poured upon the world by this wonderful power of volition.
More than this: That which is rare, unusual and difficult to-day, in the coming time will become the ordinary and accepted method of life. Spirit communion will be no longer difficult nor beset with the doubts that intervene between you now.
Spirits are not doubtful, but mortals. Spirits do not live in the senses now, but in the spirit; and when your natures have become so accurately taught that, as you have accus-tomed yourself to railways, to telegraph messages, and the condition and processes of science in your daily life, so death will no longer be an inseparable barrier, and the daily interchange of thought between the two worlds, which some experience now - which thousands do - will then become the possession of hundreds of thousands; the great flood-tide of miracles will be turned upon the world, and those forces that now lie waiting to your hand - wonderful, potent, all-powerful - will be yours. Then indeed disease will be the exception, not the rule. Then indeed suffering will be the exception; all human misery be turned aside by the great wonder of that knowledge that will enable you to vanquish the physical pain that you now yield to, and will enable your spirit friends to vanquish in you the darkness that prohibits their light from entering.
I am speaking prophetically, but it is the prophecy of an actual fact already in existence somewhere. You only wait for its revelation as you wait for the revolution of planets, for the changes of the sun that bring many summers, or for any other fixed and accomplished power that is waiting for the growth and unfoldment of the world.
Meanwhile accept such ministrations as come to you, even in your imperfect and shadowed existence, as the heralders of that grander light, that loftier and diviner ministration that shall one day triumphantly take its place beside you in the world, and miracles will be the order of each day, and supernatural existence will be the native atmosphere of the soul.
Kindly re-produced with permission from the publishers of :
What I mean by revelation is knowledge derived from a priori sources; revelation that is born of the spirit, that dots not require the usual attributes and processes of intellectual study to arrive at it. And nothing more distinctly proves revelation and the supernatural character of all such manifestations than Modern Spiritualism.
Here let me analyze these words. Spiritualists are averse, as a rule, to the use of the word supernatural. For my own part, having knowledge of the nature of words, I choose that word to express everything that comes under the category of the manifestations of ancient or modern spiritualism. It is supernatural; it neither comes in with the tides nor goes out with them; it does not come in Spring, nor in Summer, nor Winter especially; it is not affected by the change of season or the changes of earthly atmosphere. It comes in heat and in cold, when it is rainy or when it is dry, in low altitudes or in high altitudes; it comes in consonance with the super-force of the universe, which is the power of will.
And if mediums are affected by surrounding atmosphere, by heat and cold, by joy and sorrow which intervenes, then it takes them out of their own condition, and forms for itself an atmosphere to produce its own manifestations. This is Spiritualism - is supernatural.
The natural laws of the universe are subject to routine and certainly unintelligent in the way of direct, conscious methods, but governed by certain fixed laws; and Spiritualism is as separate from natural law as the engineer is from his engine. This is what I mean.
There are many who object to the word miracle. For my own part I wish to restore that word to its legitimate use; to the vocabulary of Modern Spiritualism. Anything is a miracle which is the working of a wonder independently of the usual laws of nature. Every process of the mind, human affection, human hatred, human will, is a miracle. That which is the result of an organic process, the beating of the heart, the circulation of the blood, the endosmose and exos-mose action of the fluids of the body - these are natural.
But the miraculous part is, that thought intervenes, and every effect of mind upon matter is a miracle.
The same is true with that which comes in consonance with spiritual laws and processes of Materia Medica. The methods of physical surgery may or may not be in accordance with natural laws. They are certainly in accordance with very physical and, sometimes, very bungling laws. But thai particular super-science which, by the power of will, sets at naught the usual surgical methods; straightens the deformed limb, gives sight to the eye, hearing to the ear,as countless numbers of cases in the past attest, and as there are millions of living witnesses to testify to-day - that is the working of a miracle; that is the intervention of the power of the spirit, restoring and adjusting the physical form instead of theappli-caation of any external remedies. It is not by any physical process that this is wrought, but by a process that begins inversely with the physical, and restores the body as Love dm-.
Have you ever witnessed or seen recorded in medical books, how an invalid, confined to her couch for years, by the return of an absent friend, a great tide of joy flooding through all the being has restored that which medical skill in vain has tried to restore? That was a spiritual wonder; that was a miracle - -a miracle of joy.
Have you ever heard or known or experienced a case of love, where after long doubting or long waiting the loved object was restored, and instantly the miracle of health is wrought upon the invalid or the sufferer? That is a miracle.
By the same process, when death is robbed of its terror, and human life of its depression; when your loved ones bridge over the space between you and the world of spirits, and your physical maladies sink into insignificance before the light of the soul, healing by the laying on of hands or by the power of will from the spirit world will no longer be rare, but of constant occurrence. Miracles will be wrought daily, and an inverse process of life will be poured upon the world by this wonderful power of volition.
More than this: That which is rare, unusual and difficult to-day, in the coming time will become the ordinary and accepted method of life. Spirit communion will be no longer difficult nor beset with the doubts that intervene between you now.
Spirits are not doubtful, but mortals. Spirits do not live in the senses now, but in the spirit; and when your natures have become so accurately taught that, as you have accus-tomed yourself to railways, to telegraph messages, and the condition and processes of science in your daily life, so death will no longer be an inseparable barrier, and the daily interchange of thought between the two worlds, which some experience now - which thousands do - will then become the possession of hundreds of thousands; the great flood-tide of miracles will be turned upon the world, and those forces that now lie waiting to your hand - wonderful, potent, all-powerful - will be yours. Then indeed disease will be the exception, not the rule. Then indeed suffering will be the exception; all human misery be turned aside by the great wonder of that knowledge that will enable you to vanquish the physical pain that you now yield to, and will enable your spirit friends to vanquish in you the darkness that prohibits their light from entering.
I am speaking prophetically, but it is the prophecy of an actual fact already in existence somewhere. You only wait for its revelation as you wait for the revolution of planets, for the changes of the sun that bring many summers, or for any other fixed and accomplished power that is waiting for the growth and unfoldment of the world.
Meanwhile accept such ministrations as come to you, even in your imperfect and shadowed existence, as the heralders of that grander light, that loftier and diviner ministration that shall one day triumphantly take its place beside you in the world, and miracles will be the order of each day, and supernatural existence will be the native atmosphere of the soul.
Kindly re-produced with permission from the publishers of :
The Nature Of Spiritual Existence, And Spiritual Gifts, Given Through The Mediumship Of Mrs. Cora L. V. Richmond by G.H.Hawes
Available from Amazon
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
the great medium Leslie Flint

In his own words:
(Taken from Voices in the Dark, Leslie Flint's autobiography.)
"I am a medium, I have a rare gift known as the independent direct voice. I do not speak in trance, I need no trumpets or other paraphernalia. The voices of the dead speak directly to their friends or relatives and are located in a space a little above my head and slightly to one side of me.They are objective voices which my sitters can record on their own tape recorders to play later in the privacy of their own homes. Sometimes those who speak from beyond the grave achieve only a whisper, hoarse and strain, at other times they speak clearly and fluently in voices recognizably their own during life.

Leslie bound and gagged during a Psychical Research test.
Read more about Leslie Flin and listen to recordings and interviews with him at
the : Leslie Flint Educational Trust
Leslie Flint
Sunday, March 21, 2010
A Spiritualist pioneer- Arthur Findlay and The Arthur Findlay College
There are 2 organisations that have been at the fore of the Spiritualist movement-The Arthur Findlay College in the UK and the Spiritualist Association of Great Britain.
Both share a common theme with the Enmore Spiritualist Church. All were visited by one of the most reverred Spiritualists, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle the writer of the Sherlock Holmes books and a man who during his lifetime faced organised opposition to his beliefs.
Stanstead Hall in Bishop's Stortford, Stansted Mountfitchet and about 2 hours from London is a beautiful building and the home of the The Arthur Findlay College. It was left by Arthur Findlay for the advancement of Spiritualist beliefs and holds regular courses during the year. Students can live in and take advantage of it's pleasant gardens, libraries and the calming atmosphere.
Arthur Findlay MBE JP (1883- July 1964) was a writer, accountant, stockbroker and Essex magistrate, as well as a significant figure in the history of the religion of Spiritualism, being a partial founder of the newspaper Psychic News and also a founder of the International Institute for Psychical Research. In his will he left his home, Stansted Hall, to the Spiritualists' National Union.
Aged 17, he had become interested in the field of comparative religion, something of which his staunchly Christian parents disapproved of - they even burned many of his books on the subject.
In 1913 he was awarded the Order of the British Empire for his organisation work for the Red Cross.
In 1919, he began to believe in the practice of spiritualism, after an encounter with a medium known as John Sloan. With his interest in various world religions, Findley questioned the spirits that Sloan conjured, and came to the conclusions that most gods and other deities worshipped in religions were in fact simply spirits of deceased humans. His interest increased, and in 1920 he founded the Glasgow Society for Psychical Research.
In 1923 he took part in the Church of Scotland's enquiry into psychic phenomenon. In the same year, he retired from his profession and purchased Stansted Hall in Stansted, England, a manor house built in 1871.
In 1932, he became a founding member of Psychic News, a Spiritualist newspaper, along with Hannen Swaffer and Maurice Barbanell.
He also helped to found the International Institute for Psychical Research, which he became the chairman of. He also became an honorary member of both the American Foundation for Psychical Research, Edinburgh Psychic College and the honourary president of both the Institute of Psychic Writers and Artists and the Spiritualists' National Union.
In his will, he left Stansted Hall to the Spiritualists' National Union as a college for the advancement of Psychic Science, which was named the Arthur Findlay College of Psychic Science after him.
Both share a common theme with the Enmore Spiritualist Church. All were visited by one of the most reverred Spiritualists, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle the writer of the Sherlock Holmes books and a man who during his lifetime faced organised opposition to his beliefs.
Stanstead Hall in Bishop's Stortford, Stansted Mountfitchet and about 2 hours from London is a beautiful building and the home of the The Arthur Findlay College. It was left by Arthur Findlay for the advancement of Spiritualist beliefs and holds regular courses during the year. Students can live in and take advantage of it's pleasant gardens, libraries and the calming atmosphere.
Arthur Findlay MBE JP (1883- July 1964) was a writer, accountant, stockbroker and Essex magistrate, as well as a significant figure in the history of the religion of Spiritualism, being a partial founder of the newspaper Psychic News and also a founder of the International Institute for Psychical Research. In his will he left his home, Stansted Hall, to the Spiritualists' National Union.
Aged 17, he had become interested in the field of comparative religion, something of which his staunchly Christian parents disapproved of - they even burned many of his books on the subject.
In 1913 he was awarded the Order of the British Empire for his organisation work for the Red Cross.
In 1919, he began to believe in the practice of spiritualism, after an encounter with a medium known as John Sloan. With his interest in various world religions, Findley questioned the spirits that Sloan conjured, and came to the conclusions that most gods and other deities worshipped in religions were in fact simply spirits of deceased humans. His interest increased, and in 1920 he founded the Glasgow Society for Psychical Research.
In 1923 he took part in the Church of Scotland's enquiry into psychic phenomenon. In the same year, he retired from his profession and purchased Stansted Hall in Stansted, England, a manor house built in 1871.
In 1932, he became a founding member of Psychic News, a Spiritualist newspaper, along with Hannen Swaffer and Maurice Barbanell.
He also helped to found the International Institute for Psychical Research, which he became the chairman of. He also became an honorary member of both the American Foundation for Psychical Research, Edinburgh Psychic College and the honourary president of both the Institute of Psychic Writers and Artists and the Spiritualists' National Union.
In his will, he left Stansted Hall to the Spiritualists' National Union as a college for the advancement of Psychic Science, which was named the Arthur Findlay College of Psychic Science after him.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Another early pioneer of Spiritualism-Andrew Jackson
Founder of the Lyceum Movement
# The Spiritualists Lyceum Union of Britain promotes the study and practice of Spiritualism as a Science, a Philosophy and a Religion and aims to establish and encouraged Lyceums throughout the United Kingdom for this purpose. Each Lyceum provides education and training in the principles of the religion and religious philosophy of Spiritualism and in the principles of good citizenship.
## several members of the Lyceum have visited the Enmore Spiritualist Church
Andrew Jackson,
enmore spiritualist church
Monday, March 15, 2010
Enmore is Australia's oldest Spiritualist Church- an article about the USA's oldest :
The Oldest Christian Spiritualist Church in the World
Celebrating 126 Years of Continuous Service
1883 to 2010
The First Spiritual Temple is an independent Christian Spiritualist Church, founded by Marcellus Seth Ayer on June 28, 1883 and is in Massachussets
Spiritualism is the process whereby all religions came into being -- as a result of communication with God and God's Kingdom of Spirit. Our fundamental doctrine states that God is Spirit, we are Spirit, our departed loved ones are Spirit, our "enemies" are Spirit; and that is how we are all connected.
Our Spiritualism is both universal and ancient. We seek to understand the many and varied aspects of Spiritualism which have existed upon our planet from the moment we stepped into physical form. We are Christian Spiritualists in that we look to the Master Jesus as a most profound example of Spirit alive in the world. We embrace his teachings and accept his challenge to do even greater things than he.
Marcellus Ayer founded our Church in order to address the growing needs of people to understand God, Spirit, Spiritualism, death and dying, Jesus Christ, and the Bible in a more practical and working manner. He stood firmly upon the highest ethics and standards of excellence in working with Spirit. We proudly carry that banner today.
As part of our ministry, the First Spiritual Temple hosts the Ayer Institute, a teaching body dedicated to the study, demonstration and advancement of Spirit communication, healing, and the journey of the soul. We have a 5,000 volume library devoted to Spiritualism, Mediumship, Parapsychology, and a variety of religious thought.
We hope that you will find the information within these pages helpful and inspiring. More importantly, we hope that these pages touch your heart, your Spirit, and your hope! We are all Spirit, and that is how we are all connected.
Celebrating 126 Years of Continuous Service
1883 to 2010
The First Spiritual Temple is an independent Christian Spiritualist Church, founded by Marcellus Seth Ayer on June 28, 1883 and is in Massachussets
Spiritualism is the process whereby all religions came into being -- as a result of communication with God and God's Kingdom of Spirit. Our fundamental doctrine states that God is Spirit, we are Spirit, our departed loved ones are Spirit, our "enemies" are Spirit; and that is how we are all connected.
Our Spiritualism is both universal and ancient. We seek to understand the many and varied aspects of Spiritualism which have existed upon our planet from the moment we stepped into physical form. We are Christian Spiritualists in that we look to the Master Jesus as a most profound example of Spirit alive in the world. We embrace his teachings and accept his challenge to do even greater things than he.
Marcellus Ayer founded our Church in order to address the growing needs of people to understand God, Spirit, Spiritualism, death and dying, Jesus Christ, and the Bible in a more practical and working manner. He stood firmly upon the highest ethics and standards of excellence in working with Spirit. We proudly carry that banner today.
As part of our ministry, the First Spiritual Temple hosts the Ayer Institute, a teaching body dedicated to the study, demonstration and advancement of Spirit communication, healing, and the journey of the soul. We have a 5,000 volume library devoted to Spiritualism, Mediumship, Parapsychology, and a variety of religious thought.
We hope that you will find the information within these pages helpful and inspiring. More importantly, we hope that these pages touch your heart, your Spirit, and your hope! We are all Spirit, and that is how we are all connected.
Spiritualism Enmore,
Saturday, March 13, 2010
The Story of Swedenborg
An extract from :
"The History of Spiritualism"
Volume I, Chapter 1
by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
It is impossible to give any date for the early appearances of external intelligent power of a higher or lower type impinging upon the affairs of men. Spiritualists are in the habit of taking March 31, 1848, as the beginning of all psychic things, because their own movement dates from that day. There has, however, been no time in the recorded history of the world when we do not find traces of preternatural interference and a tardy recognition of them from humanity. The only difference between these episodes and the modern movement is that the former might be described as a case of stray wanderers from some further sphere, while the latter bears the sign of a purposeful and organized invasion. But as an invasion might well be preceded by the appearance of pioneers who search out the land, so the spirit influx of recent years was heralded by a number of incidents which might well be traced to the Middle Ages or beyond them. Some term must be fixed for a commencement of the narrative, and perhaps no better one can be found than the story of the great Swedish seer, Emanuel Swedenborg, who has some claim to be the father of our new knowledge of supernal matters.
When the first rays of the rising sun of spiritual knowledge fell upon the earth they illuminated the greatest and highest human mind before they shed their light on lesser men. That mountain peak of mentality was this great religious reformer and clairvoyant medium, as little understood by his own followers as ever the Christ has been.
In order fully to understand Swedenborg one would need to have a Swedenborg brain, and that is not met with once in a century. And yet by our power of comparison and our experience of facts of which Swedenborg knew nothing, we can realize some part of his life more clearly than he could himself. The object of this study is not to treat the man as a whole, but to endeavour to place him in the general scheme of psychic unfolding treated in this work, from which his own Church in its narrowness would withhold him.
Swedenborg was a contradiction in some ways to our psychic generalizations, for it has been the habit to say that great intellect stands in the way of personal psychic experience. The clean slate is certainly most apt for the writing of a message. Swedenborg's mind was no clean slate, but was criss-crossed with every kind of exact learning which mankind is capable of acquiring. Never was there such a concentration of information. He was primarily a great mining engineer and authority on metallurgy. He was a military engineer who helped to turn the fortunes of one of the many campaigns of Charles XII of Sweden. He was a great authority upon astronomy and physics, the author of learned works upon the tides and the determination of latitude. He was a zoologist and an anatomist. He was a financier and political economist who anticipated the conclusions of Adam Smith. Finally, he was a profound Biblical student who had sucked in theology with his mother's milk, and lived in the stern Evangelical atmosphere of a Lutheran pastor during the most impressionable years of his life. His psychic development, which occurred when he was fifty-five, in no way interfered with his mental activity, and several of his scientific pamphlets were published after that date.
"The History of Spiritualism"
Volume I, Chapter 1
by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
It is impossible to give any date for the early appearances of external intelligent power of a higher or lower type impinging upon the affairs of men. Spiritualists are in the habit of taking March 31, 1848, as the beginning of all psychic things, because their own movement dates from that day. There has, however, been no time in the recorded history of the world when we do not find traces of preternatural interference and a tardy recognition of them from humanity. The only difference between these episodes and the modern movement is that the former might be described as a case of stray wanderers from some further sphere, while the latter bears the sign of a purposeful and organized invasion. But as an invasion might well be preceded by the appearance of pioneers who search out the land, so the spirit influx of recent years was heralded by a number of incidents which might well be traced to the Middle Ages or beyond them. Some term must be fixed for a commencement of the narrative, and perhaps no better one can be found than the story of the great Swedish seer, Emanuel Swedenborg, who has some claim to be the father of our new knowledge of supernal matters.
When the first rays of the rising sun of spiritual knowledge fell upon the earth they illuminated the greatest and highest human mind before they shed their light on lesser men. That mountain peak of mentality was this great religious reformer and clairvoyant medium, as little understood by his own followers as ever the Christ has been.
In order fully to understand Swedenborg one would need to have a Swedenborg brain, and that is not met with once in a century. And yet by our power of comparison and our experience of facts of which Swedenborg knew nothing, we can realize some part of his life more clearly than he could himself. The object of this study is not to treat the man as a whole, but to endeavour to place him in the general scheme of psychic unfolding treated in this work, from which his own Church in its narrowness would withhold him.
Swedenborg was a contradiction in some ways to our psychic generalizations, for it has been the habit to say that great intellect stands in the way of personal psychic experience. The clean slate is certainly most apt for the writing of a message. Swedenborg's mind was no clean slate, but was criss-crossed with every kind of exact learning which mankind is capable of acquiring. Never was there such a concentration of information. He was primarily a great mining engineer and authority on metallurgy. He was a military engineer who helped to turn the fortunes of one of the many campaigns of Charles XII of Sweden. He was a great authority upon astronomy and physics, the author of learned works upon the tides and the determination of latitude. He was a zoologist and an anatomist. He was a financier and political economist who anticipated the conclusions of Adam Smith. Finally, he was a profound Biblical student who had sucked in theology with his mother's milk, and lived in the stern Evangelical atmosphere of a Lutheran pastor during the most impressionable years of his life. His psychic development, which occurred when he was fifty-five, in no way interfered with his mental activity, and several of his scientific pamphlets were published after that date.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
The Ethics of Mediumship
By Eileen J. Garrett, Renowned Medium and Psychic Researcher
an extract from an article that first appeared in Magazine: Volume 8, Number 4, Autumn 1960.Tommorrow
"I am often asked what is the state of mind in which one is most able to function as a sensitive. I believe that the beginnings of this state lie in the development of an inner calm which is free from distraction or desire. The slightest effort to consciously produce evidence will inhibit this condition . . . In mediumship the goal is not only to be at one with oneself, but with all else in the universe."
When Prof. C. G. Jung lectured before the Society for Psychical Research in London on July 4, 1919, he chose as his subject "The Psychological Foundations of Belief in Spirits." During the more than four decades that have passed, Jung whom Aldous Huxley has called the "Sage of Zurich" has given much additional thought to the psychodynamics of spiritualism and mediumship. It was also the subject of a discussion that I was privileged to have with Prof. Jung at Ascona, a few years ago; it gave him the opportunity to check his impressions and ideas with someone whose lifework has centered around mediumship -- and it gave me a chance to put many, many questions to Jung, most of which proved as puzzling to him as they were to me.
Whereas most men seem to become more set in their ways, and more conservative in their views as the years go by, Jung has happily remained ever-searching, ever-questioning. Thus, while he told his London audience in 1919 that he considered psychic phenomena purely as "exteriorized effects of unconscious complexes," he is much less dogmatic today. In that early address to the S.P.R. Jung said that he saw "no proof whatever of the existence of real spirits, and until such proof is forthcoming I must regard this whole territory as an appendix to psychology." Today, however, as his London lecture is republished in The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche (New York: Pantheon Books. 1960) Jung adds the following comments:
"After collecting psychological experiences from many people and many countries for fifty years, I no longer feel as certain as I did in 1919, when I wrote this sentence. To put it bluntly, I doubt whether an exclusively psychological approach can do justice to the phenomena in question. Not only the findings of parapsychology, but my own theoretical reflections, outlined in "On the Nature of the Psyche," have led me to certain postulates which touch on the realm of nuclear physics and the conception of the space-time continuum. This opens up the whole question of the transpsychic reality immediately underlying the psyche."
Jung boldly states the dilemma of modern science as it confronts apparent evidence of paranormal happenings. In all the intervening years, the possibility of man's survival of bodily death has failed to arouse widespread scientific curiosity. A set of dogmatic materialistically oriented explanations of the human condition remains the bible of physical and psychological sciences. Whatever research takes place -- and the Parapsychology Foundation, Inc., of which I am the President, seeks to throw some light in this direction -- is of necessity on a scale that is exceedingly small, compared with the magnitude of studies devoted to missiles, and the machines of war and destruction.
Prof. Jung's intellectual evolution, from youthful skepticism to serene uncertainty, sets a worthwhile example for all of us. Glancing over my own earlier writings, I note that in the conclusion of "Adventures in the Supernormal," originally published about a quarter of a century ago, I wrote as follows: "If I say that I know that the dead survive, that communication with those who have gone beyond is possible and does occur, and that the human consciousness is capable of perception in other levels of experience, I know these things out of my own knowledge and experience." Would I state this concept in the same manner today? Well, not exactly. I have seen and heard a good deal since I first put these words on paper. I would now be inclined to say that I have "been in receipt of communications that would suggest human survival and mediumistic contact between the living and the dead."
My increased caution in speaking of life after death is directly linked with a heightened appreciation of the responsibility which a sensitive, like myself, has to all those who ponder the great question of survival. This responsibility is two-fold: it concerns those who are bereaved, and who seek refuge or sustenance in communication with those who have died; and those who are sincerely concerned with the significance of mediumistic phenomena as a key to a fuller understanding of man's mind and world, his philosophy, religion and science.
I am not one who assumes that the gift of mediumship necessarily brings with it greater insight into the phenomena of that mediumship. For some ten years, in the 1920's, I underwent rigorous training as a sensitive, under the guidance of Hewat McKenzie, who maintained the British College of Psychic Science. He was a strict disciplinarian and discouraged excessive curiosity on the part of mediums. McKenzie did not discourage social contact between mediums and sitters; he tried to screen out all information that might, through the medium's conscious or unconscious knowledge, seep into trance communications. I remember how McKenzie, as well as Sir Oliver Lodge, the Nobel Prize winning physicist and pioneer psychic researcher, cautioned me against devoting myself to any study of their writings. Although they were firmly convinced of the reality of the phenomena, as scientists they instinctively understood the danger to the medium whose "homework" might include the study of spiritualist concepts. Such a medium might well give back to the inquirer his own beliefs in an unconscious effort to be obliging. This is what psychologists now call "doctrinal compliance," when they refer to a patient's efforts to please the therapist by a too willing acceptance of specific psychological dogma. While I used to rebel on occasion, against McKenzie's restrictive regimen, I nevertheless recognized, even then, that mediumship requires special attitudes and codes of behavior
an extract from an article that first appeared in Magazine: Volume 8, Number 4, Autumn 1960.Tommorrow
"I am often asked what is the state of mind in which one is most able to function as a sensitive. I believe that the beginnings of this state lie in the development of an inner calm which is free from distraction or desire. The slightest effort to consciously produce evidence will inhibit this condition . . . In mediumship the goal is not only to be at one with oneself, but with all else in the universe."
When Prof. C. G. Jung lectured before the Society for Psychical Research in London on July 4, 1919, he chose as his subject "The Psychological Foundations of Belief in Spirits." During the more than four decades that have passed, Jung whom Aldous Huxley has called the "Sage of Zurich" has given much additional thought to the psychodynamics of spiritualism and mediumship. It was also the subject of a discussion that I was privileged to have with Prof. Jung at Ascona, a few years ago; it gave him the opportunity to check his impressions and ideas with someone whose lifework has centered around mediumship -- and it gave me a chance to put many, many questions to Jung, most of which proved as puzzling to him as they were to me.
Whereas most men seem to become more set in their ways, and more conservative in their views as the years go by, Jung has happily remained ever-searching, ever-questioning. Thus, while he told his London audience in 1919 that he considered psychic phenomena purely as "exteriorized effects of unconscious complexes," he is much less dogmatic today. In that early address to the S.P.R. Jung said that he saw "no proof whatever of the existence of real spirits, and until such proof is forthcoming I must regard this whole territory as an appendix to psychology." Today, however, as his London lecture is republished in The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche (New York: Pantheon Books. 1960) Jung adds the following comments:
"After collecting psychological experiences from many people and many countries for fifty years, I no longer feel as certain as I did in 1919, when I wrote this sentence. To put it bluntly, I doubt whether an exclusively psychological approach can do justice to the phenomena in question. Not only the findings of parapsychology, but my own theoretical reflections, outlined in "On the Nature of the Psyche," have led me to certain postulates which touch on the realm of nuclear physics and the conception of the space-time continuum. This opens up the whole question of the transpsychic reality immediately underlying the psyche."
Jung boldly states the dilemma of modern science as it confronts apparent evidence of paranormal happenings. In all the intervening years, the possibility of man's survival of bodily death has failed to arouse widespread scientific curiosity. A set of dogmatic materialistically oriented explanations of the human condition remains the bible of physical and psychological sciences. Whatever research takes place -- and the Parapsychology Foundation, Inc., of which I am the President, seeks to throw some light in this direction -- is of necessity on a scale that is exceedingly small, compared with the magnitude of studies devoted to missiles, and the machines of war and destruction.
Prof. Jung's intellectual evolution, from youthful skepticism to serene uncertainty, sets a worthwhile example for all of us. Glancing over my own earlier writings, I note that in the conclusion of "Adventures in the Supernormal," originally published about a quarter of a century ago, I wrote as follows: "If I say that I know that the dead survive, that communication with those who have gone beyond is possible and does occur, and that the human consciousness is capable of perception in other levels of experience, I know these things out of my own knowledge and experience." Would I state this concept in the same manner today? Well, not exactly. I have seen and heard a good deal since I first put these words on paper. I would now be inclined to say that I have "been in receipt of communications that would suggest human survival and mediumistic contact between the living and the dead."
My increased caution in speaking of life after death is directly linked with a heightened appreciation of the responsibility which a sensitive, like myself, has to all those who ponder the great question of survival. This responsibility is two-fold: it concerns those who are bereaved, and who seek refuge or sustenance in communication with those who have died; and those who are sincerely concerned with the significance of mediumistic phenomena as a key to a fuller understanding of man's mind and world, his philosophy, religion and science.
I am not one who assumes that the gift of mediumship necessarily brings with it greater insight into the phenomena of that mediumship. For some ten years, in the 1920's, I underwent rigorous training as a sensitive, under the guidance of Hewat McKenzie, who maintained the British College of Psychic Science. He was a strict disciplinarian and discouraged excessive curiosity on the part of mediums. McKenzie did not discourage social contact between mediums and sitters; he tried to screen out all information that might, through the medium's conscious or unconscious knowledge, seep into trance communications. I remember how McKenzie, as well as Sir Oliver Lodge, the Nobel Prize winning physicist and pioneer psychic researcher, cautioned me against devoting myself to any study of their writings. Although they were firmly convinced of the reality of the phenomena, as scientists they instinctively understood the danger to the medium whose "homework" might include the study of spiritualist concepts. Such a medium might well give back to the inquirer his own beliefs in an unconscious effort to be obliging. This is what psychologists now call "doctrinal compliance," when they refer to a patient's efforts to please the therapist by a too willing acceptance of specific psychological dogma. While I used to rebel on occasion, against McKenzie's restrictive regimen, I nevertheless recognized, even then, that mediumship requires special attitudes and codes of behavior
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Helpful Hints on Consulting a Medium or Psychic:
Some Practical Do's and Don'ts and
What to Look Out For and How Not to Get Cheated.
Contrary to popular belief, mediums and psychics are not machines which can be randomly turned on and off. Many subtle factors are involved in the channeling of information. Sometimes, everything falls very nicely into place and a strong communicative link is established. At other times, this may not be the case. The failure to establish or maintain a strong link with Spirit may have nothing to do with either the medium or the sitter; so, we must never judge any sensitive's work based upon one sitting.
The question is: how can you determine whether you should visit a particular medium or psychic. Here are some helpful hints:
* First and foremost: know whether you wish to sit with a medium or a psychic. Each works on a different level and offers a different type of information. A medium offers communication from Spirit; a psychic attunes to and interprets the energies from the sitter.
* If a sensitive promises you the world, be careful.
* If a sensitive charges an unreasonably high fee, then you can be pretty well assured that his or her primary motive for doing the work is financial. Of course, the service offered by a good medium or psychic is invaluable, and you should expect to pay a reasonable rate for his or her time; but, outlandish fees should be avoided. Use good judgment here.
* Be careful when a medium says that he or she will promise communication from particular spirit loved ones. No one can make that guarantee. If conditions are right, and if that particular medium is suitable for your loved-ones to link with, then, very likely, you will get what you hope to receive. This is determined at the time of the sitting, not prior. So, be cautious of guarantees made in this work.
* Be cautious of sensitives who charge per question or per communicator. In our opinion, this is too much like grocery shopping and not the way in which sittings should be conducted.
* During a sitting, be discerning when it comes to predictions. It is true that what we shall do tomorrow is being planned, spiritually, today, and the energy of those plans are within the aura; but, nothing of the future is etched in stone. Always use your good judgment concerning the future.
* Understand why it is that the Spirit loved-ones wish to communicate through a medium. Is it to tell us about career, romance, and finances? No. That is not their job. Spirit comes, first, to let us know that they are OK and that there is life after death; then, to guide and inspire us. Spirit does not come to live our lives or to make decisions which we should be making. The same applies to psychics. Do not turn over the responsibility of your life into the hands of another.
* Be very careful of sensitives who ask personal questions, either before or during your sitting. Very often, they fish for information and return that information, either as a message from Spirit or as part of the psychic reading. No medium or sensitive needs to know anything about you, except your name (even this is not really required). If he or she asks for additional information, do not offer it. You do not have to provide your date of birth or anything of that nature beforehand. The only question which a sensitive should ask, during a sitting, is whether or not you understand or can accept a piece of information given to you; then, answer only YES or NO; do not give any additional information.
* The time you spend with a psychic or medium is YOUR time. If ever you are told that you cannot tape record a sitting or reading, stay clear!
* Finally, please avoid those dreadful psychic hot lines, which, thankfully, in the United States, are quickly becoming a thing of the past. Trust us on this one: for $240 an hour, you are NOT making any kind of a friend.
This may all seem like a lot of warnings. But, today, we are inundated with countless mediums and psychics who make outlandish claims, charge even more outlandish fees for their services, and promise people the world.
There are many very good, ethical, fair, and honest mediums and psychics, and the service which they can render to the seeking soul is, truly, priceless; but you have to know what to look out for. Use this information as a guideline in your quest and you will find what you need.
Best of luck in your quest for truth!
(courtesy of the First Spiritual Temple)
What to Look Out For and How Not to Get Cheated.
Contrary to popular belief, mediums and psychics are not machines which can be randomly turned on and off. Many subtle factors are involved in the channeling of information. Sometimes, everything falls very nicely into place and a strong communicative link is established. At other times, this may not be the case. The failure to establish or maintain a strong link with Spirit may have nothing to do with either the medium or the sitter; so, we must never judge any sensitive's work based upon one sitting.
The question is: how can you determine whether you should visit a particular medium or psychic. Here are some helpful hints:
* First and foremost: know whether you wish to sit with a medium or a psychic. Each works on a different level and offers a different type of information. A medium offers communication from Spirit; a psychic attunes to and interprets the energies from the sitter.
* If a sensitive promises you the world, be careful.
* If a sensitive charges an unreasonably high fee, then you can be pretty well assured that his or her primary motive for doing the work is financial. Of course, the service offered by a good medium or psychic is invaluable, and you should expect to pay a reasonable rate for his or her time; but, outlandish fees should be avoided. Use good judgment here.
* Be careful when a medium says that he or she will promise communication from particular spirit loved ones. No one can make that guarantee. If conditions are right, and if that particular medium is suitable for your loved-ones to link with, then, very likely, you will get what you hope to receive. This is determined at the time of the sitting, not prior. So, be cautious of guarantees made in this work.
* Be cautious of sensitives who charge per question or per communicator. In our opinion, this is too much like grocery shopping and not the way in which sittings should be conducted.
* During a sitting, be discerning when it comes to predictions. It is true that what we shall do tomorrow is being planned, spiritually, today, and the energy of those plans are within the aura; but, nothing of the future is etched in stone. Always use your good judgment concerning the future.
* Understand why it is that the Spirit loved-ones wish to communicate through a medium. Is it to tell us about career, romance, and finances? No. That is not their job. Spirit comes, first, to let us know that they are OK and that there is life after death; then, to guide and inspire us. Spirit does not come to live our lives or to make decisions which we should be making. The same applies to psychics. Do not turn over the responsibility of your life into the hands of another.
* Be very careful of sensitives who ask personal questions, either before or during your sitting. Very often, they fish for information and return that information, either as a message from Spirit or as part of the psychic reading. No medium or sensitive needs to know anything about you, except your name (even this is not really required). If he or she asks for additional information, do not offer it. You do not have to provide your date of birth or anything of that nature beforehand. The only question which a sensitive should ask, during a sitting, is whether or not you understand or can accept a piece of information given to you; then, answer only YES or NO; do not give any additional information.
* The time you spend with a psychic or medium is YOUR time. If ever you are told that you cannot tape record a sitting or reading, stay clear!
* Finally, please avoid those dreadful psychic hot lines, which, thankfully, in the United States, are quickly becoming a thing of the past. Trust us on this one: for $240 an hour, you are NOT making any kind of a friend.
This may all seem like a lot of warnings. But, today, we are inundated with countless mediums and psychics who make outlandish claims, charge even more outlandish fees for their services, and promise people the world.
There are many very good, ethical, fair, and honest mediums and psychics, and the service which they can render to the seeking soul is, truly, priceless; but you have to know what to look out for. Use this information as a guideline in your quest and you will find what you need.
Best of luck in your quest for truth!
(courtesy of the First Spiritual Temple)
Sunday, March 7, 2010
A short history of the Spiritualist Association of Great Britain
SAGB (1872-2010)- the Spiritualist Association of Great Britain in London's Belgrave Square is one of the foremost Spiritualist organisations in the world.
Try and imagine this scene. It is a chill night - February 7, 1872, to be precise.
See, sense and smell Victorian London. Outside, gas-lights flicker in an evening
breeze. Indeed, it looks as though snow might be on the way. Horses jostle for
space on the ever-crowded roads, their warm breath looking like ghostly vapour.
People are rushing home, everyone from the street urchins and traders to the
professional classes. Even the old lady selling violets seems anxious to vacate
her pitch and head for the often foul-smelling East End and her large,
ever-demanding family. Women, many wearing fur mufflers and sensible hats
against the increasingly bitter cold, occasionally lift their now absurdly long
dresses just an inch or so to escape puddles, some of which are just starting to
ice over…
Now the scene switches to 16, David Street, Marylebone in London's West End.
Around a dozen friends have gathered. Perhaps they were very different in
class, size, education and background: that we do not know. But what we do
know is that they had but one purpose - to discuss forming a Spiritualist society.
After all, Modern Spiritualism had begun in America in 1848. Surely it was time to
establish a Spiritualist organisation.
The seven principals of the SAGB:
We believe in an Infinite Intelligence, Who
governs all
We believe that personal identity and all sentient
forms of life survive physical death
We believe that continuous existence and
eternal progress occur for all in the Hereafter
We believe in communion with the spiritual
We believe that all of humanity is spiritually linked
We believe that in the Hereafter, all must account
for their actions on earth and will judge
themselves accordingly
We believe that all are responsible for the way
they conduct their earthly lives.
Read more on their website
Try and imagine this scene. It is a chill night - February 7, 1872, to be precise.
See, sense and smell Victorian London. Outside, gas-lights flicker in an evening
breeze. Indeed, it looks as though snow might be on the way. Horses jostle for
space on the ever-crowded roads, their warm breath looking like ghostly vapour.
People are rushing home, everyone from the street urchins and traders to the
professional classes. Even the old lady selling violets seems anxious to vacate
her pitch and head for the often foul-smelling East End and her large,
ever-demanding family. Women, many wearing fur mufflers and sensible hats
against the increasingly bitter cold, occasionally lift their now absurdly long
dresses just an inch or so to escape puddles, some of which are just starting to
ice over…
Now the scene switches to 16, David Street, Marylebone in London's West End.
Around a dozen friends have gathered. Perhaps they were very different in
class, size, education and background: that we do not know. But what we do
know is that they had but one purpose - to discuss forming a Spiritualist society.
After all, Modern Spiritualism had begun in America in 1848. Surely it was time to
establish a Spiritualist organisation.
The seven principals of the SAGB:
We believe in an Infinite Intelligence, Who
governs all
We believe that personal identity and all sentient
forms of life survive physical death
We believe that continuous existence and
eternal progress occur for all in the Hereafter
We believe in communion with the spiritual
We believe that all of humanity is spiritually linked
We believe that in the Hereafter, all must account
for their actions on earth and will judge
themselves accordingly
We believe that all are responsible for the way
they conduct their earthly lives.
Read more on their website
Saturday, March 6, 2010
James Van Praagh-producer of TV show 'Medium'
James Van Praagh is a medium. He has written several best-selling books on spirituality and spirit communication, which have been translated into over 50 languages.
In the 1995 NBC television series The Other Side, Van Praagh was introduced as the first American medium ever to perform readings on the air, and quickly became the series favorite. Howard Rosenberg, the Los Angeles Times television critic, dubbed Van Praagh's performances "spectacular."
In December 1997, Van Praagh became the first medium to appear on Larry King Live to promote his first book, Talking to Heaven. From 2002 to 2003, he hosted a syndicated daytime talk show entitled Beyond with James Van Praagh, which is still seen around the world in syndication. He subsequently partnered with CBS to produce several TV-movies and mini-series based on his life and experiences, including Living with the Dead and The Dead Will Tell.
He developed and is currently the co-executive producer of the television series Ghost Whisperer on CBS and occasionally appears as a special correspondent for the CBS television series The Insider and Entertainment Tonight.
James Van Praagh : Ghosts among Us
In the 1995 NBC television series The Other Side, Van Praagh was introduced as the first American medium ever to perform readings on the air, and quickly became the series favorite. Howard Rosenberg, the Los Angeles Times television critic, dubbed Van Praagh's performances "spectacular."
In December 1997, Van Praagh became the first medium to appear on Larry King Live to promote his first book, Talking to Heaven. From 2002 to 2003, he hosted a syndicated daytime talk show entitled Beyond with James Van Praagh, which is still seen around the world in syndication. He subsequently partnered with CBS to produce several TV-movies and mini-series based on his life and experiences, including Living with the Dead and The Dead Will Tell.
He developed and is currently the co-executive producer of the television series Ghost Whisperer on CBS and occasionally appears as a special correspondent for the CBS television series The Insider and Entertainment Tonight.
James Van Praagh : Ghosts among Us
Thursday, March 4, 2010
162 years of Spiritualism
To many Spiritualists, the 31st March 1848 marks the beginning of the modern Spiritualist movement. Kate and Margaretta Fox first made contact with the discarnate spirit of a pedlar called Charles B Rosna on that date in Hydesville, New York.
This month is the 162nd anniversary of Spiritualism and to mark this event, it seems only fitting to elaborate on the events of the Hydesville Rappings.
The house was located in Hydesville, New York, about twenty miles from Rochester, and was previously occupied by a Michael Weekman, who during his time at the house, had noticed phenomena which included knocking on the front door, only to find that nobody was there. Weekman's eight year old daughter also had a frightening experience of what felt like a cold hand touching her face in the night and she refused to sleep in her room again. It is recorded that the Weekman family moved out of the house soon after these strange disturbances.
The Fox family with their two daughters Margaretta (14) and Kate (11), moved into the house in December of 1847. For the first two months of their tenancy they experienced nothing unusual. But it was during March of 1848 that the first rappings occurred. Starting quietly like a knocking sound, but gradually increasing in intensity to such a point that furniture moved.
The Fox sisters refused to sleep in their bedroom due to the phenomena which continued unabated until the 31st March 1848 when Kate Fox finally challenged the rappings to repeat the snaps of her fingers. In this historic moment the spirit copied Kate and so this was the one of the first recorded communications between incarnate and discarnate beings. The rappings of a murdered pedlar buried in the cellar of the house had made the link between two worlds. The events in Hydesville kick started the Spiritualist movement in America and eventually across the world.
The Fox Sisters
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Psychic Abilities - Clairaudience
What is Clairaudience?
Clairaudience is the art of hearing voices, music, and sounds that are not audible to the normal ear, and may not be of physical form. The word clairaudience comes from the French word meaning “clear hearing” and is also intermingled with other basic psychic phenomenon such clairvoyance and clairsentience.
Yoga describes this as the siddhi, and is experienced when the fifth chakra is acted which is located in the throat. Psychic clairaudience is normally experienced in the dream state and related states of consciousness. The sounds of voices sound like voice overs to the perceived images. Clairaudience is a phenomenon of mystic trances that have been documented all throughout history. Shamans, prophets, priests and so forth have been documented to have heard such voices urging them to do certain things which would lead to certain events.
The Clairaudient Voice
Psychics hear these sounds in form of cosmic or psychic vibrations. Though many people may claim to possess the ability of clairaudience, only a true psychic can give you a clear reading with his clairaudience. Clairaudience is a truly substantial gift that the psychics are endowed with. The manifestation of a clairaudient voice is very different to that of the own clairaudient, hence the belief that it is the voice of a passed on soul. Sometimes, the client may recognize the voice as the voice of a passed relative.
In many instances, those who have spirit guides may identify them as being the owners of the voice, and in many times clairaudience happens in many psychic readings. As against an experienced clairaudient psychic, even an ordinary person may on occasions have experienced clairaudience, though this experience may be too transitory and subtle to catch his active attention.
Two Forms of Clairaudience
Clairaudience may take two forms with psychics. The sounds or voice may be physical as well as non-physical. While physical voices may almost be identical to human voices, the non-physical hearing may be referred to as mind speech or astral voices.
Physical hearing can also be explained in terms of picking up the radio sounds which are relayed on certain frequencies and can be caught by radio receivers attuned to them. It is the same with psychics who can pick up the voices of the spirits when they spiritually attune to their frequencies or sound vibrations. It must be noted that an accomplished psychic has to first distinguish between the relevant and the irrelevant sound or voice in relation to the issue at hand.
A clairaudient psychic is an extraordinarily sensitized person, who has acquired a higher level of consciousness, and can, therefore, understand the significance of such ‘audible thought patterns’. He can trace the sources of such voices from another ‘plane of existence’ and interpret them intelligently for the benefit of those who seek the truth. A clairaudient acts as a medium to speak out the messages from the outer sources for the benefit of his clients.
Famous Clairaudients
We have heard about Joan of Arc, later canonized as Saint Joan. She was a simple village girl in France who would hear the voices of St Michael and St Catherine. She led the French armies to victories by following the auditory messages
What is Clairaudience?
Clairaudience is the art of hearing voices, music, and sounds that are not audible to the normal ear, and may not be of physical form. The word clairaudience comes from the French word meaning “clear hearing” and is also intermingled with other basic psychic phenomenon such clairvoyance and clairsentience.
Yoga describes this as the siddhi, and is experienced when the fifth chakra is acted which is located in the throat. Psychic clairaudience is normally experienced in the dream state and related states of consciousness. The sounds of voices sound like voice overs to the perceived images. Clairaudience is a phenomenon of mystic trances that have been documented all throughout history. Shamans, prophets, priests and so forth have been documented to have heard such voices urging them to do certain things which would lead to certain events.
The Clairaudient Voice
Psychics hear these sounds in form of cosmic or psychic vibrations. Though many people may claim to possess the ability of clairaudience, only a true psychic can give you a clear reading with his clairaudience. Clairaudience is a truly substantial gift that the psychics are endowed with. The manifestation of a clairaudient voice is very different to that of the own clairaudient, hence the belief that it is the voice of a passed on soul. Sometimes, the client may recognize the voice as the voice of a passed relative.
In many instances, those who have spirit guides may identify them as being the owners of the voice, and in many times clairaudience happens in many psychic readings. As against an experienced clairaudient psychic, even an ordinary person may on occasions have experienced clairaudience, though this experience may be too transitory and subtle to catch his active attention.
Two Forms of Clairaudience
Clairaudience may take two forms with psychics. The sounds or voice may be physical as well as non-physical. While physical voices may almost be identical to human voices, the non-physical hearing may be referred to as mind speech or astral voices.
Physical hearing can also be explained in terms of picking up the radio sounds which are relayed on certain frequencies and can be caught by radio receivers attuned to them. It is the same with psychics who can pick up the voices of the spirits when they spiritually attune to their frequencies or sound vibrations. It must be noted that an accomplished psychic has to first distinguish between the relevant and the irrelevant sound or voice in relation to the issue at hand.
A clairaudient psychic is an extraordinarily sensitized person, who has acquired a higher level of consciousness, and can, therefore, understand the significance of such ‘audible thought patterns’. He can trace the sources of such voices from another ‘plane of existence’ and interpret them intelligently for the benefit of those who seek the truth. A clairaudient acts as a medium to speak out the messages from the outer sources for the benefit of his clients.
Famous Clairaudients
We have heard about Joan of Arc, later canonized as Saint Joan. She was a simple village girl in France who would hear the voices of St Michael and St Catherine. She led the French armies to victories by following the auditory messages
Jaon of Arc
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Daylight Materialization
The Technique of Daylight Materialization
As Explained by AMY MARSHALL
Based on years of experience and information received from the Spirit collaborators of Rev. James J. Dickson, San Francisco materialization medium, whose daylight phenomena marks a distinctive epoch in the annals of psychic science and Modern Spiritualism. Spiritualism in all its phases, continues to push forward the frontiers of man's knowledge!
Through Spiritualism's phenomenal phase known as Daylight Materialization, it has attracted world-wide attention and attained unquestionable scientific status, for one of the tenets of science is, that what is held to be true should be capable of proof. The religion of Spiritualism holds that man as an individual survives the incident called "death," retains his personality and memory intact, and returns in Spirit form to give mortal man evidence (phenomena), and knowledge (philosophy), of Life Eternal. The Spirit World proves the assertions of Spiritualism, through mediumship.
The materializing mediumship of the Rev. James J. Dickson, Pastor of The Spiritualist Church of Revelation in San Francisco, California, has unfolded to such an extraordinary extent, that Spirits usually seen in softened light can now, under proper conditions, be seen in daylight! Yes, through the world-renowned mediumship of Rev. Dickson, Spirits materialize in full form in daylight and converse with their loved ones of earth, whether in his public or private seances, or while he is visiting socially with friends. What greater proof of Eternal Life could be desired ?
As Explained by AMY MARSHALL
Based on years of experience and information received from the Spirit collaborators of Rev. James J. Dickson, San Francisco materialization medium, whose daylight phenomena marks a distinctive epoch in the annals of psychic science and Modern Spiritualism. Spiritualism in all its phases, continues to push forward the frontiers of man's knowledge!
Through Spiritualism's phenomenal phase known as Daylight Materialization, it has attracted world-wide attention and attained unquestionable scientific status, for one of the tenets of science is, that what is held to be true should be capable of proof. The religion of Spiritualism holds that man as an individual survives the incident called "death," retains his personality and memory intact, and returns in Spirit form to give mortal man evidence (phenomena), and knowledge (philosophy), of Life Eternal. The Spirit World proves the assertions of Spiritualism, through mediumship.
The materializing mediumship of the Rev. James J. Dickson, Pastor of The Spiritualist Church of Revelation in San Francisco, California, has unfolded to such an extraordinary extent, that Spirits usually seen in softened light can now, under proper conditions, be seen in daylight! Yes, through the world-renowned mediumship of Rev. Dickson, Spirits materialize in full form in daylight and converse with their loved ones of earth, whether in his public or private seances, or while he is visiting socially with friends. What greater proof of Eternal Life could be desired ?
Monday, March 1, 2010
What Is Mediumship/Channeling?
What Is Mediumship/Channeling?
Mediumship can be defined as follows: The process whereby a human instrument, known as a MEDIUM or CHANNEL, is used by one or more discarnate, spirit personalities for the purpose of:
Presenting information, verifiable or otherwise.
Causing so-called paranormal activities to occur.
Channeling forth certain types of energies.
Manifesting themselves for objective examination and/or identification.
From this definition, we see the following:
Mediumship involves a cooperating effort between a person on the Earth plane (the medium or channel) and a person in Spirit (the communicator).
There are several objectives behind the manifestation of mediumship.
In addition to this, we see that mediumship is used by those in Spirit for the following purposes:
To present information, which may or may not be verifiable.
To cause certain types of paranormal activities to occur.
To channel forth certain types of energies.
To manifest themselves materially.
Therefore, mediumship involves the cooperation between at least two individuals:
An Earth-plane channel or medium
A spirit communicator or operator.
You will note that we distinguish between a spirit communicator and a spirit operator.
If you look at what has been said, thus far, concerning mediumship, you will see that two distinct types of phenomena can occur through mediums:
Manipulation of energies and energy systems.
A spirit who uses a medium for the purpose of communication, either verbally or visually, is known as a spirit communicator. A spirit who uses a medium for the intent of working with and/or manipulating energies or energy systems is called a spirit operator. This distinction is very general, and it should be noted that a spirit operator can, and often does, communicate.
Thus, mediumship can be distinguished as two basic types:
Mental Mediumship
Physical Mediumship
Mental mediumship involves the relating of information, through communication, via the varied aspects of thought transference, or mental telepathy. Mental telepathy is the relaying of information via thought, without using any of the five physical senses. Mental mediumship takes place within the consciousness of the medium. The results are expressed verbally and must pass through the medium's mouth. Because of its telepathic nature, mental mediumship is sometimes referred to as telepathic mediumship.
In a demonstration of mental mediumship, it is the medium who hears, sees, and feels what the spirit communicators are relating. Furthermore, it is the medium's function to relate the information, with minimum personal influence and prejudice, to the recipient of the message, also known as the sitter. The medium receives this information under various states of control.
Physical mediumship involves the manipulation and transformation of physical systems and energies. The spirit operators, in this case, are causing something to happen upon the Earth plane. What it is that actually happens varies with the style of mediumship involved, but the results can be seen and heard by others.
Mediumship can be defined as follows: The process whereby a human instrument, known as a MEDIUM or CHANNEL, is used by one or more discarnate, spirit personalities for the purpose of:
Presenting information, verifiable or otherwise.
Causing so-called paranormal activities to occur.
Channeling forth certain types of energies.
Manifesting themselves for objective examination and/or identification.
From this definition, we see the following:
Mediumship involves a cooperating effort between a person on the Earth plane (the medium or channel) and a person in Spirit (the communicator).
There are several objectives behind the manifestation of mediumship.
In addition to this, we see that mediumship is used by those in Spirit for the following purposes:
To present information, which may or may not be verifiable.
To cause certain types of paranormal activities to occur.
To channel forth certain types of energies.
To manifest themselves materially.
Therefore, mediumship involves the cooperation between at least two individuals:
An Earth-plane channel or medium
A spirit communicator or operator.
You will note that we distinguish between a spirit communicator and a spirit operator.
If you look at what has been said, thus far, concerning mediumship, you will see that two distinct types of phenomena can occur through mediums:
Manipulation of energies and energy systems.
A spirit who uses a medium for the purpose of communication, either verbally or visually, is known as a spirit communicator. A spirit who uses a medium for the intent of working with and/or manipulating energies or energy systems is called a spirit operator. This distinction is very general, and it should be noted that a spirit operator can, and often does, communicate.
Thus, mediumship can be distinguished as two basic types:
Mental Mediumship
Physical Mediumship
Mental mediumship involves the relating of information, through communication, via the varied aspects of thought transference, or mental telepathy. Mental telepathy is the relaying of information via thought, without using any of the five physical senses. Mental mediumship takes place within the consciousness of the medium. The results are expressed verbally and must pass through the medium's mouth. Because of its telepathic nature, mental mediumship is sometimes referred to as telepathic mediumship.
In a demonstration of mental mediumship, it is the medium who hears, sees, and feels what the spirit communicators are relating. Furthermore, it is the medium's function to relate the information, with minimum personal influence and prejudice, to the recipient of the message, also known as the sitter. The medium receives this information under various states of control.
Physical mediumship involves the manipulation and transformation of physical systems and energies. The spirit operators, in this case, are causing something to happen upon the Earth plane. What it is that actually happens varies with the style of mediumship involved, but the results can be seen and heard by others.
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