Friday, April 30, 2010
Manuel Noriega: Did the 14th Century Saint Catherine snitch on his whereabouts?
From the Birtish website : Madame Arcati
"The respected American medium Elizabeth Baron has confided in her followers that it was she who helped the US military find Noriega in 1989. She writes in a monthly newsletter just released: 'Just after December 20, 1989, when the US invaded Panama, a US Air Force major showed up at Elizabeth's door. This Air Force major was part of Elizabeth's local meditation group at the time and he had just put some young soldiers on a military transport plane to go to Panama. He asked Elizabeth if she would tune in to find the whereabouts of Noriega. "This is urgent, Elizabeth. Could we have a session with St. Catherine? My General is waiting for help."'
The 14th Century St Catherine, I should explain, is Baron's spirit guide: her full name is St Catherine of Siena. Anyway....
'So they met later at her office to see if she could help. Elizabeth lay down on her couch, and began to channel St Catherine in hopes that she would help. She stated that Noriega was being sheltered in a large white building with a red slate roof on a beautiful lake or body of water. He is being hidden in this place where women wear long flowing robes (habits) and they are treating him well.
'The Major immediately knew that Catherine was talking about the Vatican Embassy in Panama. Within a few hours, according to what he relayed to Elizabeth, black hawk helicopters were surrounding the Embassy with foghorns, demanding Noriega to come out of his hiding. Sometime after, he was arrested and brought to Miami, where he served many years in prison.'
It's certainly true that Operation Nifty Package - the US Navy SEAL operation tasked to capture Noriega - found him in the Apostolic Nunciature in Panama. It was perhaps unfortunate that though St Catherine owes her modern celebrity to the Roman Catholic Church, The Holy See back in 1989 was most put out by the raucous music played by the US soldiers in order to flush Noriega out - this included I Fought The Law by The Clash - and was not entirely helpful.. " Here's Elizabeth Baron's website.
Elzabeth baron,
Madame Arcati,
Manuel Noriega
Monday, April 26, 2010
Out of the mouths of babes....
Clinically dead German boy, 3, 'saw granny in Heaven'

But after three hours and 18 minutes, Paul's heart starting beating again.
"I have never experienced anything like it," one of the doctors, Lothar Schweigerer, told Bild. "Normally when children have been underwater for several minutes, they don't make it."
"Paul said to his parents:'I was floating into a bright light and came to some big golden gates and they were opened by Oma'
'I was with Oma (granny) Emmi in Heaven. She told me that I had to go back ,to go back really quickly'."
boy dead,
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Joe Power-a remarkable medium and friend of the late John lennon
Joe Power is one of Britain's well known mediums and comes from Liverpool. He was a friend of ex-Beatle John Lennon.

Joe has made TV appearances -including the Psychic Investigators as well as Irish, USA and Japan TV programs. His special The Spirit of John Lennon was broadcast throughout the USA.
Read more about this remarkable medium at his website and see his videos on youtube where he walks the streets of Liverpool and gives remarkably accurate readings to strangers.
Psychic/medium Joe Power was bo
rn different. His amazing psychic ability began in infancy and expanded quickly to include mind-Psychic/medium

Joe has made TV appearances -including the Psychic Investigators as well as Irish, USA and Japan TV programs. His special The Spirit of John Lennon was broadcast throughout the USA.
Read more about this remarkable medium at his website and see his videos on youtube where he walks the streets of Liverpool and gives remarkably accurate readings to strangers.
Psychic/medium Joe Power was bo
rn different. His amazing psychic ability began in infancy and expanded quickly to include mind-Psychic/medium
Joe Power,
John Lennon,
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Modern Day Spirituality & Psychics
By Rachel Saxon
Spirituality. the word conjures up visions of meditating hippies chanting barefoot in a circle in unison or perhaps the soft-spoken friar. Modern day spirituality takes the form for those that do not have knowledge of it often as that of psychic readings, when sitting on client side and talking to a spiritualist for advice and direction in life.
So exactly what is spirituality? And how can we define spirituality? Being aware of spirit is spirituality. Looking for direction from spirit by looking within ones heart is spirituality. Looking externally for guidance by a book or minister isn’t. You can best define it by those who know they are spirit. Being psychic is simply being aware of your spirit and intuition and the vibration that exists all around us, many lead a life of materialism whilst on the mortal plain and have no idea of what spirituality is or how to achieve it.
Spirituality is the idea that we can look to be guided from within our being by listening to our spirit, which is in tune with and part of the whole of spirit. Those who are spiritual have no need for another person to lead them, for their guide is the compass within them that never allows them to go off course., and it is this magic which if tapped into can make such a positive difference to ones life.
Spirituality is, in the most basic sense, matters pertaining to the spirit and is based on the idea that there exists something, be it a state of mind, a being, or a place, that is outside the experience of our five limited senses. Spirituality is the personal relationship of the individual to this state of mind, being or place and often emphasizes the notion of a path.
All of us are spirits – energies connected with one another and comprising the whole spirit. Everything that is, exists within that entire energy, some may call it God, but you are part of it, and your connection with the divine source can never be severed. Psychic Mediums are highly aware of this & can connect to other spirits, either deceased or those that have never walked the earth and exist those on the mortal plain.
Spirituality is never religion, for it never asks us to look outside ourselves for answers. The spirit is ever close, never far and always connected to us for it is us.
We are divine beings having physical experiences, and not just physical beings living a temporary life. Those that choose to believe they are imperfect and lacking are living life and looking outward, spirituality looks inward and need nothing but to know the truth of who we are. This path that few understand brings inner peace. Many are drawn to those who practice as psychic readers as they are closer to spirituality than the querent.
There are many different types of spiritualist, some visit spiritualist churches, some sit in circles and others hone and develop their intuitive skills to use within the psychic readings arena.
Modern day spirituality can be seen in action via the very vast and very credible metaphysical industry, where one can obtain spiritual guidance through channels simply known as psychic or psychic medium phone readings, what unfolds during a reading can change ones life forever.
Rachel Saxon works in the psychic and metaphysical industry recommended website for uk psychics - psychic reading
Spirituality. the word conjures up visions of meditating hippies chanting barefoot in a circle in unison or perhaps the soft-spoken friar. Modern day spirituality takes the form for those that do not have knowledge of it often as that of psychic readings, when sitting on client side and talking to a spiritualist for advice and direction in life.
So exactly what is spirituality? And how can we define spirituality? Being aware of spirit is spirituality. Looking for direction from spirit by looking within ones heart is spirituality. Looking externally for guidance by a book or minister isn’t. You can best define it by those who know they are spirit. Being psychic is simply being aware of your spirit and intuition and the vibration that exists all around us, many lead a life of materialism whilst on the mortal plain and have no idea of what spirituality is or how to achieve it.
Spirituality is the idea that we can look to be guided from within our being by listening to our spirit, which is in tune with and part of the whole of spirit. Those who are spiritual have no need for another person to lead them, for their guide is the compass within them that never allows them to go off course., and it is this magic which if tapped into can make such a positive difference to ones life.
Spirituality is, in the most basic sense, matters pertaining to the spirit and is based on the idea that there exists something, be it a state of mind, a being, or a place, that is outside the experience of our five limited senses. Spirituality is the personal relationship of the individual to this state of mind, being or place and often emphasizes the notion of a path.
All of us are spirits – energies connected with one another and comprising the whole spirit. Everything that is, exists within that entire energy, some may call it God, but you are part of it, and your connection with the divine source can never be severed. Psychic Mediums are highly aware of this & can connect to other spirits, either deceased or those that have never walked the earth and exist those on the mortal plain.
Spirituality is never religion, for it never asks us to look outside ourselves for answers. The spirit is ever close, never far and always connected to us for it is us.
We are divine beings having physical experiences, and not just physical beings living a temporary life. Those that choose to believe they are imperfect and lacking are living life and looking outward, spirituality looks inward and need nothing but to know the truth of who we are. This path that few understand brings inner peace. Many are drawn to those who practice as psychic readers as they are closer to spirituality than the querent.
There are many different types of spiritualist, some visit spiritualist churches, some sit in circles and others hone and develop their intuitive skills to use within the psychic readings arena.
Modern day spirituality can be seen in action via the very vast and very credible metaphysical industry, where one can obtain spiritual guidance through channels simply known as psychic or psychic medium phone readings, what unfolds during a reading can change ones life forever.
Rachel Saxon works in the psychic and metaphysical industry recommended website for uk psychics - psychic reading
Rachel Saxon,
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Matthew Manning : a famous Spiritualist healer
Matthew Manning is a world-famous healer who lectures and demonstrates his techniques all over the world. He has been involved in more scientific research and testing than any other healer in the world and has addressed the Royal Society of Medicine and spoken to MPs in the Houses of Parliament about his healing work. Regularly featured in the media, he is the author of One Foot in the Stars, his autobiography, No Faith Required, The Link and The Healing Journey.
'Matthew Manning is an extraordinary man. I have seen many patients who have previously attended Matthew for healing; every one of them has gained considerably from their meeting with him. My many years of training as a doctor and anaesthetist have taught me how much we do not know about the body and its healing processes. Matthew's powers are not discussed in medical textbooks, but I can verify their efficacy from those of his patients I have met.' - Dr Brian Roet, formerly of Charing Cross Hospital, London
A BBC documentary about Matthew :
'Matthew Manning is an extraordinary man. I have seen many patients who have previously attended Matthew for healing; every one of them has gained considerably from their meeting with him. My many years of training as a doctor and anaesthetist have taught me how much we do not know about the body and its healing processes. Matthew's powers are not discussed in medical textbooks, but I can verify their efficacy from those of his patients I have met.' - Dr Brian Roet, formerly of Charing Cross Hospital, London
A BBC documentary about Matthew :
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Doris Stokes Clairaudient Medium
Doris Stokes Clairaudient Medium - Live at The Dominion Theatre London - PART II
Doris Stokes was a British medium who first came to prominence in Australia when she appeared on the Don Lane Show in the 1970's . As a believer in Spiritualism Don became an enthusiastic supporter of Doris and she subesequently became hugely popular back in Britain while making regular trips to Australia.
Doris Stokes was a British medium who first came to prominence in Australia when she appeared on the Don Lane Show in the 1970's . As a believer in Spiritualism Don became an enthusiastic supporter of Doris and she subesequently became hugely popular back in Britain while making regular trips to Australia.
British medium,
Don Lane,
Doris Stokes
Thursday, April 1, 2010
a history of Spiritualsm
1744 | Emanuel Swedenborg (1688 - 1772) was, truly, one of Europe's great minds; and it is to this that we can attribute the success of his mission as a teacher and philosopher of the Spirit. |
1845 | Justine Kerner (1786 -1862) Noted German poet and physician of Weinsberg; author of a remarkable record of supernormal phenomena and experiments in magnetic therapeutics. In 1845 he published a book entitled 'The Seeress of Prevost; or Openings-up into the Inner Life of Man, and Mergings of a Spirit World into the World of Matter'. In Germany the book made a great sensation. |
1848 | On the 31st March, 1848, The Fox Sisters made a break through with contacting the entity who had been disturbing the family with strange sounds and activities. The Hydesville Knockings in the United States of America lead to the investigation of the Mediumship of the Fox sisters and the Birth of modern Spiritualism |
1849 | The first public demonstration of Mediumship by Margareta Fox in the Corinthian Hall in New York |
1850 | Cromwell Fleetwood Varley was first attracted to Spiritualism in 1850. He investigated the hypothesis that table rapping is the result of an electrical force and demonstrated that this hypothesis was altogether unfounded. In later years he had many curious psychic experiences, discovered that he possessed mesmeric healing power and effected cures on his wife. Mrs. Varley had clairvoyant visions and spells of trance in which she foretold the exact course of her illness. After the birth of a son, Varley was one night aroused by three tremendous raps. He felt impelled to go into his wife's room where he found the nurse intoxicated and Mrs. Varley rigid and in a cataleptic state. |
1852 | Mrs. Maria Hayden came from America in 1852 and was the first Spiritualist Medium to work in England. The press and clergy were very antagonistic towards her but in spite of this, she succeeded in demonstrating spirit return |
1853 | Judge John W. Edmonds (1816 - 1874) was one of the most influential early American Spiritualists. After a great public career, as a member of both branches of the New York State Legislature and, for some time, President of the Senate and Judge of the Supreme Court of New York, he resigned the latter position on account of the outcry raised against his Spiritualistic beliefs and, especially, his support of the Fox sisters. David Richmond (1816 - 1891) became a Spiritualist whilst living in America and upon his return to his native town of Darlington, England in 1853, tried unsuccessfully to open a Spiritualist church. He moved to Keighley and there established the first Spiritualist church in England Robert Chambers (1802 - 1871) English writer and publisher, played no public part in Spiritualism, but his conversion and anonymous activity was no secret to his contemporaries. He had many experiences with D. D. Home. The anonymous preface to Home's 'Incidents in My Life' and the appendix, 'Connection of Mr. Home's Experiences with those of Former Times' were written by Dr. Robert Chambers. Judge Robert Hare (1781 - 1858) at the age of 72, began his investigations and devised a number of instruments which, contrary to his expectations, conclusively proved that a power and intelligence, not that of those present, was at work. His book, 'Experimental Investigation of the Spirit Manifestation,' published in 1855, summed up the results as follows: 'The evidence may be contemplated under various phases; first, those in which rapping's or other noises have been made which could not be traced to any mortal agency; secondly, those in which sounds were so made as to indicate letters forming grammatical, well-spelt sentences, affording proof that they were under the guidance of some rational being; thirdly, those in which the nature of the communication has been such as to prove that the being causing them must, agreeably to accompanying allegations, be some known acquaintance, friend, or relative of the inquirer. |
1854 | Robert Owen (1771 - 1858) Socialist Reformer and Cofounder of the Cooperative society became converted to Spiritualism after sittings with Mrs. Hayden. After he passed to spirit he became the author of 'The Principles of Spiritualism' which he gave through the Mediumship of Emma Hardinge Britten in 1871 Read much more in this brief history of Spiritualism up to the modern day - here |
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