"Spiritualism is the Science, Philosophy, and Religion of continuous life based upon the demonstrated fact of communication by means of mediumship with those who live in the Spirit World".

Spiritualism is much more than communicating with those in the Spirit World. Spiritualism is a way of living our lives to the fullest extent possible through an understanding of Natural Law. We believe in a Father-Mother God that loves us and works with us to provide a progressive incarnation. We understand that we are responsible for our own actions and, due to the Law of Karma, harvest the rewards. We strive to be non-judgmental.
We know that there is a thread of truth that runs through all religions and by being familiar with many religions, we come to celebrate the similarities of all. We consider Jesus the Christ to be our Wayshower and Elder Brother and also embrace the teachings of other Masters. We believe that all sacred texts all valid and worthy.
We understand that there are many paths to the Divine and encourage each individual to find his/her own way.
Teaches personal responsibility. - Removes fear of death, death is just a change of personal existence and identity.
- Helps us communicate with those beyond in the realms of spirit.
- Brings to the surface man's spiritual gifts and potentials, allowing us to demonstrate mediumistic skills, healing, prophecy, and to learn more of who we truly are.
- Teaches as a flower unfolds in beauty, so does the spirit of man unfold in the spirit spheres.
- Brings the understanding that man is a spiritual being now, even while encased in this physical body.
- Teaches the spark of divinity dwells in all things.
- Brings comfort to man knowing that we can connect to others in spirit, because of the continuity of life after death.
- Opens the doorways to many other worlds beyond our perspectives on these planes.