Edgar Cayce is the most famous psychic of the 20th century and probably one of the most famous ever. He gave over 14,000 readings while in a trance state. Many of his readings that he gave people were in regards to their personal lives. He gave advice on health, dreams, business and sometimes esoteric topics such as the Akashic Records.
A sample prediction follows:

Cayce also spoke of the origins of humanity and of the lost city of Atlantis. A devout Christian, he also discussed Jesus Christ and was concerned that his abilities may have been satanic in origin. Cayce predicted that the Earth’s axis would be shifted by the year 2001 and other major earth changes.
Cayce has an incredible amount of material to read. He spent his life giving people readings as his way of helping others. He was told during one of his readings not to give more than two readings in a day but he unfortunately did not follow that advice. The last reading he gave was for himself which he was told it was time for him to stop working and rest. He predicted the date of his burial, January 5, 1945 and was correct.http://edgarcayce.org/