Frank Pastore is known for being a pitcher in the Major Leagues back in the eighties and for being a Christian radio host, but now he's making headlines for something a little crazier. "Good Day LA" reports Pastore may have known his day had come, and says he essentially predicted his own death. Just three hours before a would-be deadly crash, Pastore said, "at any minute I could be spread out all over the 210." Pastore died Monday from his injuries from that crash that happened November 19.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Monday, December 17, 2012
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Leslie Flint
am a medium, I have a rare gift known as the independent direct voice.
I do not speak in trance, I need no trumpets or other paraphernalia. The
voices of the dead speak directly to their friends or relatives and are
located in a space a little above my head and slightly to one side of
me.They are objective voices which my sitters can record on their own
tape recorders to play later in the privacy of their own homes. Sometimes
those who speak from beyond the grave achieve only a whisper, hoarse and
strain, at other times they speak clearly and fluently in voices recognizably
their own during life."
Leslie Flint
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Near death experiences on Dr Oz
Meet the skeptic who now believes heaven exists -- and he can prove it.
Hear about his near death experience and why it turned him into a
Jeffrey Long, one of the world's leading experts on the topic, believes that near death experiences are more common than you think. Hear him describe the markers of this experience.
Jeffrey Long, one of the world's leading experts on the topic, believes that near death experiences are more common than you think. Hear him describe the markers of this experience.
near death experience
Thursday, October 25, 2012
People Claim Premonitions of Sept. 11 Attacks, Japanese Tsunami
AP Photo
These were unfathomable disasters that cost thousands of lives, and yet some people claim that they had premonitions that foretold these catastrophic events.
Dr. Larry Dossey studied numerous examples of premonitions for his book, "The Power of Premonitions." To combat skeptics, Dossey cites such examples as the 1950 explosion of a church in Beatrice, Nev. The explosion happened during a scheduled choir practice, and yet the church was empty. Each choir member was either absent or late for practice.
"Nobody had a clue that anything bad was going to happen. But yet everybody found some reason to not go to church," Dossey said. "I think that the unconscious works in very strange ways."
enmore spiritualist church,
Larry Dossey,
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Psychic news reader
Former TV news reporter claims to be psychic after sending messages to himself to 'prove' he can see the future.
A former TV news reporter is claiming to be psychic after sending text messages to himself to 'prove' he can see into the future.
Thomson, from Bristol, started ‘feeling and seeing’ words and phrases
in March last year and because he didn’t think anyone would believe him
decided to log them on his phone.The 44-year-old says by having the messages dated on his phone before the events happen, it proves he is psychic.
Daily Mail,
enmore spritualist church,
john thomson
Friday, October 12, 2012
Afterlife exists says top brain surgeon
Dr Eben Alexander, a Harvard-educated neurosurgeon, fell into a coma for seven
days in 2008 after contracting meningitis.
During his illness Dr Alexander says that the part of his brain which controls
human thought and emotion "shut down" and that he then experienced "something
so profound that it gave me a scientific reason to believe in consciousness
after death." In an essay for American
magazine Newsweek, which he wrote to promote his book Proof of
Heaven, Dr Alexander says he was met by a beautiful blue-eyed woman in a "place
of clouds, big fluffy pink-white ones" and "shimmering beings".
He continues: "Birds? Angels? These words registered later, when I was
writing down my recollections. But neither of these words do justice to the
beings themselves, which were quite simply different from anything I have
known on this planet. They were more advanced. Higher forms." The
doctor adds that a "huge and booming like a glorious chant, came down
from above, and I wondered if the winged beings were producing it. the sound
was palpable and almost material, like a rain that you can feel on your skin
but doesn't get you wet."
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
'He talks to his dead great-grandparents'
'He talks to his dead great-grandparents': The child medium who 'sees and speaks with spirits'
A little boy who can apparently speak to the dead, communicates with his late great-grandparents who he never got the chance to meet, his mother has said.
Antonio, aged between six and eight years old, struggles to find peace with his gift in the latest episode of TLC's Long Island Medium.His mother, Sandy, says on the show: 'My son has the ability to see spirit, as well as I do. It's a gift from God. But I get worried.'
She added: 'He's seeing a lot, my grandparents have been around and he's been talking to them. He can describe what they're doing, even what their personalities are.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Barack Obama hosts a Tarot party !
This photo was taken on October 29, 2011 at a private Halloween Party at the White House for White House staff and various military families. This is Geraldine with her friend/colleague Bev Hitchins and we had the honor of having our photo taken with the Obamas. It was an incredible experience! Although neither the President nor Mrs. Obama had readings, they were very warm and down-to-earth and made us feel really welcome.
Read more about Geraldine Amaral's night at the White House at her website here.
barack obama,
geraldine amaral,
michelle obama,
tarot cards,
white house
Monday, September 24, 2012
A visit to London
Two members have visited London to join the London Spiritual Mission and their celebrations for their 100th year anniversary.
The London Spiritual Mission was consecrated in 1912 . During the 1950s the famous Australian speech therapist Lionel Logue was a regular at the services there. Readers may re-call the Oscar winning film The King's Speech was based on Lionel Logue whon was also a Spiritualist. It's believe several memebrs of teh British Royal Family attend private services.
Please come back over the next weeks to hear more about our visit to London.
The London Spiritual Mission was consecrated in 1912 . During the 1950s the famous Australian speech therapist Lionel Logue was a regular at the services there. Readers may re-call the Oscar winning film The King's Speech was based on Lionel Logue whon was also a Spiritualist. It's believe several memebrs of teh British Royal Family attend private services.
Please come back over the next weeks to hear more about our visit to London.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Everybody who has sat with the FEG or who is reading the published independent reports knows that this is false! Some people seem to simply ignore these reports or they write their comments without having no knowledge about what is happening at all during FEG-sessions.
We ask ourselves, why this is so, and we believe our different sociocultural background and tradition in conversing with spirit is enough for those people not only to reject us but to frequently claim publicly about the worthlessness of the FEG Mediumship!
Spirit Communicators we work with and don't fit into a certain "survivalist"-pattern are being laughed about and - typically for the internet - with malice and from behind their desktops they try to fight on different sites for their claim that no, or not enough, or not the way it used to happen, survival evidence is brought forward through our work.
Usually we should not care for the opinions of single parties, on the other hand side it makes sense to once and for all introduce only a few of the powerful Survival-Evidence events, the FEG-Mediumship is regularly bringing forward!
Friday, August 31, 2012
UK Psychics Rhiannon Faulkner and Ally Key are bringing their special talents to Australia for the first time! They’re in Sydney and Brisbane in September for an uplifting, fun and rewarding time for those lucky enough to attend.

Rhiannon is very proud to have brought the world her special Faulkner Tarot Card Deck – the first one that usesrealistic black and white photographs rather than the traditional illustrations that bear no resemblance to modern life.
Ally Key, Rhiannon’s fairly recent partner in life, is also one of the UK's top, most progressive young Psychic Mediums who says it how it is, Ally gives positive, spiritual guidance to many throughout the UK and Internationally Not only does Ally have fantastic energy, he brings a fresh and modern style to his work that captures people's attention where ever he works. Ally regularly appears on TV show, Psychic Today (Sky Channel 886 UK).
Ally will also be appearing on Psychic TV Oz (Aurora Channel 183, Foxtel/Austar; 4me freeview 64 and 74; Gem, Foxtel/Austar 209 and freeview 209?), Sunday, 9 September, 11pm-2am.
They’re together on their Australian tour and will be joined by Brian Copthorne – Rhiannon & Ally’s spirit guide who’s an Irish dwarf from another spiritual plane! Brian is so important in Rhiannon’s life that through him she’s created Brian’s Deck – a modern version of Angel/Oracle cards with his exact words of wisdom as well as illustrations of him drawn by a psychic artist who could see him. Brian has become quite the cult figure across the world! Rhiannon says, “He’s very blunt and very direct, but he’s always right!”
Rhiannon and Ally are available for media interviews and photos so get in touch soon so you can be the first to present this powerhouse team in our part of the world.
RADIO STATIONS! – Rhiannon and Ally would be fascinating guests. Listeners can also ring in and have a channelling direct with Rhiannon & Ally’s guide Brian Copthorne live on-air. They’re accurate and clear with their messages, Rhiannon’s bubbly sense of fun will shine through plus Brian wicked and cheeky character will leave your presenters and listeners in fits of laughter.
In SYDNEY: 5-19 September, 2012 SYDNEY Events 14-16 September, 2012
In BRISBANE: 19-27 September, 2012 BRISBANE Events 21-23 September, 2012
Clairvoyant Evening - 7pm to 10pm
Definitely a unique and exclusive opportunity to see famed mediums & authors from the UK Rhiannon Faulkner and Ally Key channel Brian Copthorne's words of advice and messages to audience members. It will be a relaxed, fun and entertaining evening watching spirits work in the modern way. You will also hear the true story behind the Faulkner Tarot deck and meet the family pictured in the cards.
Rhiannon Faulkner Tarot Deck Workshop – 10am to 4pm
Introduction to The Faulkner Tarot Deck & the Modern Way of Reading!
A chance to learn direct from the author and UK medium Rhiannon Faulkner, how to become a pure channel for your own guides and how to read the tarot in the modern way, using it as an accurate predictive tool.
Rhiannon is passionate about teaching everyone that the tarot is not dark and scary, but instead the modern form of counselling and a tool for self help.
A chance to learn direct from the author and UK medium Rhiannon Faulkner, how to become a pure channel for your own guides and how to read the tarot in the modern way, using it as an accurate predictive tool.
Rhiannon is passionate about teaching everyone that the tarot is not dark and scary, but instead the modern form of counselling and a tool for self help.
Face to Face Readings & FREE Faith Healing Sessions – selected days and times
Private face to face readings are your chance to privately experience Rhiannon or Ally connecting to your guides, loves ones passed over or messages from Brian Copthorne's plus any questions you may have. You will be amazed with how detailed they are with the information they will tell you. The Free Faith Healings are a hands on healing session that can heal emotionally and physically. Rhiannon is known for working with her guide Dr C to help all sorts of ailments.
Clairvoyant Evening - Friday, 14 September, 7-10pm
Workshop - 15 September, 10am-4pm
Readings with Rhiannon & Ally - Selected Dates & Locations
Free Healings with Rhiannon - Selected Dates & Locations
Free Healings with Rhiannon - Selected Dates & Locations
Best Western Ashfield’s Philip Lodge Motel, 156 Parramatta Road, Ashfield NSW 2131
Pullman Hotel, Sydney Hyde Park, 36 College Street, Sydney NSW 2000 – READINGS & HEALINGS ONLY
Pullman Hotel, Sydney Hyde Park, 36 College Street, Sydney NSW 2000 – READINGS & HEALINGS ONLY
Workshop - 22 September, 10am-4pm
Clairvoyant Evening - 24 September, 7-10pm
Readings with Rhiannon & Ally - Selected Dates & Locations
Free Healings with Rhiannon - Selected Dates & Locations
Readings with Rhiannon & Ally - Selected Dates & Locations
Free Healings with Rhiannon - Selected Dates & Locations
Geebung-Zillmere RSL Club, Corner Newman Road & Collings Street, Geebung QLD
Bridgewater Terraces, 56 Wharf Street, Kangaroo Point QLD – READINGS & HEALINGS ONLY
Bridgewater Terraces, 56 Wharf Street, Kangaroo Point QLD – READINGS & HEALINGS ONLY
spiritualist .goldberg,
Saturday, August 11, 2012
The New Spirituality

Much attention has been given in recent writings about religion to fundamentalism and the 'religious right'. But much less attention has been given to their opposite - the emergence of a new generation of progressive religious thinkers and organisations on the 'religious left'. The New Spirituality is one of the first books to give a comprehensive and authoritative account of this burgeoning progressive religious movement. It offers a clear and engaging analysis of the cultural roots, key ideas and organisational structures of this new faith, assessing its significance in the changing moral and religious landscape of contemporary western society. Gordon Lynch argues that we are witnessing the rise of a new religious ideology which reveres the natural world, connects religious faith with novel scientific theories, and has a forward-looking agenda for society's transformation. Produced by one of Britain's leading writers on the changing patterns of modern religion, The New Spirituality will be essential reading for students attempting to understand the shape of religious belief in the twenty-first century.
Get a copy at Google Books.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
From Cop to Psychic via 9/11
Joseph Lani grew up on the south shore of Staten Island (NY), where a happy childhood was shattered by a tragedy that tears his family apart forever.
After trying to start a new life in Florida, Lani returned to New York and soon found himself a member of New York's Finest. Then his life and the lives of so many others were changed forever on September 11, 2001.
After the initial horrors ended, Lani was assigned to the command center at the Fresh Kills Landfill, whose mission was to sift through the debris of the entire World Trade Center. Under the stress of the job, Lani suffers a massive heart attack and subsequent near death experience. He miraculously recovers to a new life fully enveloped in the spirit world.
In this fast-paced memoir in which we get to ''run with the bulls,'' Joseph Lani recounts his many harrowing and humorous experiences on the job. Lani entertains his readers with an insider's account of a very real world most of us only think we know from television.
Running With The Bulls - The Road to Fresh Kills -- A Journey into the Paranormal
joseph lani,
running with bulls
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Magazines, e-books on all matters Spiritual
Electronic books on
line that you can download and read at your leisure.
Spiritualist books, Mediums books, Mediumship books to download.
If any books are in a pdf file format, click onto any of the following links to
get the latest free read only download from Adobe, who have designed the file format.
It is a safe site, I have used it and it did not send any viruses.
books to download from the site
Beyond the Five Senses
L Margery Bazett
The Seven Principles
George F. Berry
(SNU President 1920)
Trance Address Emma Hardinge Britten 1866
Trance Address Emma Hardinge Britten 1866
Sir William Crookes
The Universe and Man
James F. Malcolm O.B.E
Was Abraham Lincoln a
Spiritualist? Nettie Colburn Maynard.
Glimpses of the Next State
(The education of an agnostic)
Vice Admiral W. Usborne Moore. 1911
Vice Admiral W. Usborne Moore. 1911
The Voices.
Spirit Identity by the Direct
Spirit Teachings
William Stainton Moses.
More Spirit Teachings
William Stainton Moses.
The Life Beyond The Veil Rev. G. Vale Owen.
Spiritualism in the Evolution of Philosophy
Earnest Thompson MSNU. 1950
Earnest Thompson MSNU. 1950
The Reality of Psychic Phenomena W. J. Crawford.
The SNU in 1936.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
When critics attack
Individuals associated with the Enmore Spiritualist Church have
become the victim of several inaccurate websites and comment
posts on the internet.
Members of the Church have tried to advise strangers who got caught up in the battle, to at the very least seek legal advice (now available at no cost from most solicitors. legal advice centres or a chamber magistrate) before making remarks on a subject they know little about.
It's worth noting some responses to similar cases:
In Australia tweets have become the basis for defamation cases.
Liberal Party pollsters Lynton Crosby and Mark Textor are suing federal Labor MP Mike Kelly for defamation over a tweet in which he accused their campaign consulting firm of push polling.
Joshua Meggitt, the Melbourne man wrongly named by writer and television identity Marieke Hardy as the author of a hate blog dedicated to her, is now suing Twitter.
In the US, Michiel Oakes, a man convicted of the murder of celebrity dog trainer Mark Stover, has launched an appeal because a 19-year-old juror was tweeting throughout the trial, the Seattle Weekly reported.
In Britain last year, Joanne Fraill became the first juror to be prosecuted for contempt of court for using the internet and was jailed for eight months.
Fraill used Facebook to communicate with a defendant who had already been acquitted, The Guardian reported.
Members of the Church have tried to advise strangers who got caught up in the battle, to at the very least seek legal advice (now available at no cost from most solicitors. legal advice centres or a chamber magistrate) before making remarks on a subject they know little about.
It's worth noting some responses to similar cases:
In Australia tweets have become the basis for defamation cases.
Liberal Party pollsters Lynton Crosby and Mark Textor are suing federal Labor MP Mike Kelly for defamation over a tweet in which he accused their campaign consulting firm of push polling.
Joshua Meggitt, the Melbourne man wrongly named by writer and television identity Marieke Hardy as the author of a hate blog dedicated to her, is now suing Twitter.
In the US, Michiel Oakes, a man convicted of the murder of celebrity dog trainer Mark Stover, has launched an appeal because a 19-year-old juror was tweeting throughout the trial, the Seattle Weekly reported.
In Britain last year, Joanne Fraill became the first juror to be prosecuted for contempt of court for using the internet and was jailed for eight months.
Fraill used Facebook to communicate with a defendant who had already been acquitted, The Guardian reported.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Two Worlds Spiritualist Magazine
Two Worlds was founded by famous medium Emma Hardinge Britten in 1887.
Now a 76-page monthly magazine, it is edited by Tony Ortzen. Tony has been involved in the paranormal for forty years. He has known and interviewed some of the world's leading mediums and acted as consultant to various publishing companies.
This magazine is excellent reading for anyone interested in the world of Spirit. It's a handy compact size that you will return to time and time again as it's always packed with informative articles.
check out their website here :
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Twitter : the new libel cases
Will Marieke Hardy’s Twitter case change Australian law for ever? Twitter is being sued for defamation by a Melbourne man who was wrongly identified as the author of a “hate blog” directed at writer and TV personality, Marieke Hardy.
ABC star Marieke Hardy settles over false hate blog claims :ABC indie personality Marieke Hardy has reportedly paid $13,000 to a man she wrongly accused of running a hate blog about her.
The out of court settlement was reached after Hardy last week published a retraction on her blog and apologised to Melbourne man Joshua Meggitt after making posts and Tweets claiming he had authored a hate blog about her, reported The Age
Chris Cairns, who won 62 Test caps for his country and represented New Zealand on 267 occasions, sued Lalit Modi, the former chairman and commissioner of the Indian Premier League, over an accusation of match-fixing Mr Modi made on the microblogging service.
more at

more at
chris cairns,
courtney love,
marieke hardy,
new zealand,
Sunday, July 8, 2012
The Montague Keen Foundation
Afterlife Investigations
Montague Keen was an enthusiastic afterlife investigator and his work lives on.
Four scientific investigations into life after death. One of these was the Scole Experiment, for which Montague Keen was the leading investigator.
click to go to the foundation in his name here for more info.
Montague Keen
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Ralph Waldo Trine
Ralph Waldo Trine was a philosopher, mystic, teacher and author of many books, and was one of the early mentors of the New Thought Movement. His writings had a great influence on many of his contemporaries including Ernest Holmes, founder of Religious Science. He was a true pioneer in the area of life-transforming thought. No other New Thought author has sold more books than he, his writings reaching far beyond New Thought circles out to the general public, which has bought and read Trine's books without ever knowing that they were New Thought.
For a list of his books click here.
Ralph Waldo Trine
Monday, June 25, 2012
Blogger Smacked With $2.5 Million Fine in Defamation Suit; Are Bloggers at Risk?
Blogger Smacked With $2.5 Million Fine in Defamation Suit; Are Bloggers at Risk?
The answer is yes according to Australian libel expert Clive Evatt QC.
"not only the blogger who is often anonymous, but any person who supplies information to that blogger is held equally liable as to publication and can be sued"
In addition in March 2012 Yahoo Inc were ordered by the Victorian Supreme Court to pay damages of $220,000 to a Melbourne man for a libel that showed up in their search engine. That claimant is now suing other search engines. Costs were awarded to him against Yahoo in the sum of approx $413,000.
Another expert says : "it is just a matter of time before the courts test the 12 month rule as well- it could be proved that every day a blog or website is published anew (unlike a print publication that disappears over time) and as the libel can be downloaded, there may be no time limit on a court action being taken. The days of anonymous blogging may soon be over as blog hosts share blame for internet defamation. Courts in every country are taking a dim view of US corporations who try to claim immunity under US law when they profit abroad"
Things are changing in the USA as well as the above case shows:
" If you are a blogger and heard about THE BAD LAWSUIT AGAINST A BLOGGER, you are probably concerned to know what is going on and are wondering if you are at risk doing what you love to do.
Well, it depends upon a few things. The answer may be, perhaps,
perhaps, perhaps: 1) if you are up front, in your face defamatory (must
be proven in a court of law); 2) if the state where you live hasn't
updated its journalism laws; 3)if you do not cite your sources (But
journalists are at risk for this as well and some of the finer ones have
been caught passing off another's ideas and not giving credit for it.)
4) if you create out of thin air stories...extensive ones... that have
no basis in fact and pass them off as fact, i.e. as in Shattered Glass, the film, based on a true story, or Frey's A Million Little Pieces,). But even then the idea of court is anathema for both sides and not entered into lightly. "
clive evatt,
enmore spiritualist church,
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Victims In Psychic-Inspired Hoax Sue Police
A Texas couple who own a ranch that police searched following false information that was provided by a psychic are suing the police and several major news organizations for defamation.
The case began June 6, 2011, when a psychic called police and described a horrific scene of mass murder: dozens of dismembered bodies near a ranch house about an hour outside of Houston, Texas. There were rotting limbs, headless corpses, and, chillingly, many were children in this mass grave they described.

Read more here!
enmore blogspot,
Saturday, June 16, 2012
My life as a Spiritualist
A Spiritual Quest- 3 minute Trailer of new Documentary ,by Thistle TV,as requested by TV stations in England,USA, Asia, NZ, India, Pakistan + Europe.The full version 60 minute should be available late 2011. Enquiries to the author
Sunday, June 10, 2012
What happens when you die?
Famous medium Leslie Flint made contact with Stephen Ward who committed suicide after he became caught up in the infamous Christine Keeler scandal in Britain in the 1960s
The Leslie
Flint Educational Trust was gifted the sole copyrights to all of Leslie
Flints' work both written and recorded, by Leslie's Estate. Reproduction
in any form is illegal with out the written permission of the "Trust".
(courtesy of Victor Zammit)
Friday, June 1, 2012
Vatican publishes guide on how to deal with 'supernatural phenomena'
from the UK Telegraph
They have been closely guarded for more than 30 years, but guidelines on how to deal with divine apparitions of the Virgin Mary and "supernatural phenomena" have now been released by the Vatican.
The "norms" on how the Roman Catholic Church should deal with mystical apparitions were initially drawn up in Latin in 1978 under Pope Paul VI and were intended for strictly internal use. They shed light on the sorts of apparitions which have inspired the establishment of shrines such as those at Lourdes in France and Fatima in Portugal, which attract millions of pilgrims a year, many in search of cures for illnesses or other "miracles".
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Ever been to a Spiritualist Church?
Nothing to be frightened off..and it can be amusing and interesting as well as most informative,
Here is a video of what a typical service with readings can be like:
Here is a video of what a typical service with readings can be like:
Sunday, May 27, 2012
a son speaks about his father : Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Sherlock Holmes creator Arthur Conan Doyle visited Australia and spoke at the Enmore Spiritualist Church in 1921. He gave his farewell address at the Church and thanked the congregation for the warm reception he had received from Spiritualists in Australia, despite also finding demonstrators outside his public meetings, demanding he be deported !
Recently we sadly discovered that the handwritten and signed speech written by Sir Arthur was stolen from the Church files during a break-in in 2010. Here is Adrian Conan Doyle talking about his father's beliefs:
Recently we sadly discovered that the handwritten and signed speech written by Sir Arthur was stolen from the Church files during a break-in in 2010. Here is Adrian Conan Doyle talking about his father's beliefs:
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Exciting new discussion board on Spiritualism
Physical Mediumship 4U
As mentioned earlier, Enmore closed it's discussion board for a number of reasons but the main one was such a board needs a dedicated team of moderators to operate-a team with time on their hands to ensure 'spirited' debate will remain free of bitchy and personal comments while conveying helpful information.You can no better than this board and we at Enmore warmly recommend it as one-stop board for all interested in the ethereal: go HERE for the site.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Modern Spiritualism
From the BBC :
Go to the BBC website and read thier brief outline on modern Spiritualism.
Modern Spiritualism
The Modern Spiritualist movement dates from 1848 when the Fox sisters of Hydesville, New York produced knocking sounds that were alleged to be messages from a spirit. Spiritualists communicate with the spirits of people who have died.
(Image shows Rev. Judith Rochester at the Lily Dale Assembly, NY, the world's largest Spiritualist community.)Go to the BBC website and read thier brief outline on modern Spiritualism.
Board now closed
Please note : we have now closed the discussion board and warmly thank the 173 members who joined and posted many informative messages.
Unfortunately the time it takes to moderate such a board was becoming a time consuming task and the truth is there are quite a number of message boards about Spiritualism that do it that much better.
We recommend our members on the board now join another that we will recommend in the next few days.
Unfortunately the time it takes to moderate such a board was becoming a time consuming task and the truth is there are quite a number of message boards about Spiritualism that do it that much better.
We recommend our members on the board now join another that we will recommend in the next few days.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
George Galloway & The Enfield Poltergeist
"I first heard of George Galloway's upcoming cameo in movie The Enfield Poltergeist
last year. That supposed supernatural activity was witnessed in a
council house in a very common part of the UK presents no political
embarrassment to one of my favourite politicians. The British film is
produced by his son-in-law Jay Stewart and is due for release in autumn 2013. For more info, the flick has a Facebook page here.
Read more at :
Read more at :
enfield poltergeist,
geroge galloway,
Madame Arcati
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